Lou's Wife Edie

I thought she was attractive. I was sorry that she asked Lou for a divorce. But I loved that single apartment she rented after she move out.


Wha...HUH? Never in my life did I hear anyone say that husky old bag was attractive. She was way too stuffy and prudish for Lou.
And that haggy voice............. Sorry to say that was one of the poorest casting choices on the MTM show. Ugh.

"The ENEMY of my ENEMY is my FRIEND"


Well, there is no mistaking on knowing where you stand..😀


I take offense to Shango7200's comment on Edie. Asner has praised Priscilla Morrill's performance and I thought she filled the role perfectly. One of the features of Lou Grant's character that gives him added dimension is that his marriage is beginning to fall apart. The show hints at this even from the pilot and it was implied throughout the first few seasons without it becoming maudlin. Morrill had the unenviable task of basically presenting a 70's cliche: middle-aged woman wants to seperate herself from her husband in order to "find herself". But Morrill handled those scenes well in addition to her other appearances on the show. And she works so well with Asner one is sold on the illusion this is a couple who've been with each other for decades. All the episodes involving her character gave Asner a good opportunity to do something a bit more dramatic that really helped flesh out the character.


Did you also thing Mrs. Naugatuck from "Maude" was attractive?

"The ENEMY of my ENEMY is my FRIEND"


Only when she was sloshed.


I thought Patricia Morrill was perfect in the role. She looked like a woman Lou Grant would be married to. They seemed well matched physically.

Lou was a no nonsense "meat and potatoes" kind of guy. Edies was a solid and seemingly practical woman. It's doubtful if Lou would have done well with a high maintenance type of woman who spent a lot of time in the beauty parlor or buying fancy clothes. Could you imagine him with someone like Phyllis? LOL

Edie appreciated Lou's gruff exterior and the soft heart underneath. Lou wasn't given to expressing his emotions and sometimes he seemed downright confused or embarrassed by emotions. Edie didn't seem like the type of woman who would push Lou to demonstrate his feelings all the time.


Patricia Morrill was not likable, and cold. And not funny: "this is my kitchenette, would you like a drink-ette"?


Priscilla Morrill was an exceptional character actor. Everything I've seen of her work is nothing short of superb.
She was so sensitive and REAL as Edie. One performance I LOVE is her guest appearance in a 1963 ep of
"The Outer Limits" with Donald Pleasance. She was a real shrew.

I recall Asner discussing her work about ten years ago, although he couldn't remember Morrill's name at first.
According to Asner, he felt bad, as the producers hinted at making Edie a regular character when she signed
on (suggesting she and Lou would get back together). But in order to lure her into contracted work (making
several repeated appearances, as she was a busy actor), they - according to Asner - lied to her, then dropped
the boom on Morrill when they had the couple divorce. She did come back for her wedding episode. I believe
he said it was very unlike the MTM team to be so devious.

Oh, and yes, I also thought she was an attractive lady. Not everyone needs to look like Farrah Fawcett, for
heaven's sake.


Yes, gb, I remember her in there. The divorce sequence was done well. It wasn't hurried, or, schlocked in. They took their time, did it right. Made it personal, made ya take a second look. They were not fooling around.

& I remember her wedding episode. Very very sad, gb. "Lou" held up, had guaranteed "Mary" that he would. And did. "Didn't I tell you, Mary, I could take it?"

"Yes."---then bless her heart Mary breaks down in tears.

It's a great episode. Just the right mix of tragedy & comedy. A real testament to that shows production code.

Damn, I've been handing these out all day, but, I God's they've all been richly deserved. Thereafter I am granting on you a Direct Hit for citing this late of a Monday nite.

Go on, you big, beautiful db, you, sleep the sleep of a King tonight. Fluff that pillow!!!

db, igniting this Lou & Edie light after 6 months of darkness. I'll be damned!



I loved her for that part. I wish they wouldn't have gotten divorced. I would have liked to have seen her appear on Lou Grant as well.


Their divorce was awful, then her remarriage wedding and Lou attending like he was Sonny Bono. 😥
