Goodies Oz Tour

I know that the Goodies recently did a tour in Australia, but unfortunately I couldn't go as the totally unsympathetic cultural morons I work for refused me the necessary timeoff (not that I'm bitter...)

My question is whether anyone knows if they have any plans to do another Oz tour in the near future? How about back in England? Anywhere else?

Oh, and a few questions for write2rach99 (is that the right name?) if you're reading this post: What was the show like? What sort of material did they go over? Was it all Goodies-centric?

Thanks to all!

Greetings from a far off and distant reality!


*gasp* i totally forgot about that! So no, i didn't go! I think i probably forgot because they weren't coming anywhere near where i could get to. :( - hang out for writers, artists, actors, musicians, etc.


I went to Melbourne Tue 9pm show and it was just the best! It was magic time. There was a mixture of talking about their career up to the point when they formed and a bit about Cambridge Circus and the tour of New Zealand. They talked about their favourite episodes and stories about the shows backed up with clips. The evening was rounded up with them doing a live radio show.


Thanks for replying, doctoroho (cool name, by the way!). I was so annoyed I couldn't make the show as I had sorted out transportation and accomodation and everything ONLY to be told I wasn't allowed the previously okayed time off work. It makes my blood boil...

Sounds like it would have been a great night. I shall have to try and glean some second-hand experience off you :) The New Zealand tour you mentioned, was that the same sort of thing they did in Oz or are you referring to a different tour? That's the only one I'm aware of...

What was the live radio show? Do you mean they actually broadcast a live radio show in front of the audience, or they performed/read out a radio play sketch? If the former, I wonder if there are any sound files roaming about the Internet...

An important question: Was there any mention of another tour? I am hoping my brains out (oh, hte mental pictures...) that I haven't missed out totally!

Again, thanks so much for your reply!

Greetings from a far off and distant reality!


The New Zealand tour was in 1965 as part of the Cambridge Circus and the tour took in the USA as well including a Broadway show. Tim Brooke-Taylor and Bill Oddie were the only 'Goodies" on the tour. Other members were John Cleese and Graham Chapman.


The Goodies tour is returning to Australia! see website:


Mega bliss! Tres joyeux! Wicked!

As you can probably tell, I'm rather stoked!

Can't wait for Melbourne details... or even NSW, I'm willing to travel!

Thanks for letting me know and your replies to my questions! Shall I see oyu at the show? :)

Greetings from a far off and distant reality!


In regards to the radio show it was only on stage and not broadcast.


I Went to the Goodies Live show in Melbourne when they came in March
and i got to meet them prior to the show ;) i went to the back stage door
and they signed my dvd covers and booklet and episode guide, they were very happy
to sign them for me :) as their was plenty of time before the show,
glad i went it was great to meet Bill he's really nice. boy he is short ;)
he asked me if Tim & Graeme had been though and i said yeah he was about 5 minutes behind . i;ve waited 20 odd years to meet them :D finally did.
i said to graeme and tim i listed to I;m sorry I'll read that again Audio tapes on the way down And Graeme asked me how many did they do i said 4 he musn;t know how many was made onto audio id get more if they ever release them all on to cd now since most cars now have cd instead of cassette .

