The Dodo

Not that I often convey messages on behalf of my mother, but ever since I got one of the Goodies DVDs on rental she's been asking about this episode called (or featuring) the Dodo... anyone know if this is out on DVD?


Not as yet it isn't. Hopefully they will release it when/if the do another release this year.

I know how she feels, that was one of my faves too.


That episode was great! In fact if not for The Goodies I wouldn't have known of The Dodo's existence. Who says that tv rots your brain!!


surly lot of first few seasons they did before they used music from other people , eg Abba, The Beatles etc ? surly they can go thougth them all and release al episodes that have no copyright Stuff surly Bill could rewrite some music to replace any copy right stuff i've noticed on other non goodies shows
eg Married With Children theme had to get dubbed with different theme
on dvd releases


I believe you're referring to Dodonuts. At present, it isn't available on an official release, but you may be able to find clips on YouTube. Alternatively, you may be able to find a torrent...
