msuic sweet music

While I found the movie highly arousing the first time I saw it, it was a bit confusing. Repeated viewing over the years have shown it to be a masterpiece of story-telling, and it remains mostly unique in the methods employed.

Of course what will keep me coming back every single time I can is the music. One particular "song" is so satisfying that if the soundtrack got stuck in an endless loop at that point and I died, I'd already be in Heaven and might not notice the transition.

Whatever it's short-comings may be, which might be noticed by people claiming to be more objective than I'll ever be, it is a genuine and authentic attempt at an artistic expression at a time when experimentation was valuable for its own sake. It was a fascinating and a bit frightening time for art, but it made more sense than anything else at the time (which may not be saying much).


Well said
