Arrow Scene

When Eastwood's character is hit by an arrow and cannot pull it out, he has Sara dig a groove into the arrow, put gun powder in the groove, then he lights the gunpowder and she drives the arrow through him with the aid of a knife and the butt of his pistol.

What is the purpose lighting the gunpowder in the arrow prior to driving it through him ? Is it to kill germs so his wound does not become infected ?


I'm watching the movie right now on AMC. I think the reason for the powder is to "cauterize" the wound.
Basically to stop the blood from coming out of the holes left by the arrow. I imagine it would also kill germs (heat from the burn) but I don't think that was a concern back in the day.

"Good news is no news, no news is bad news, bad news is good news!" James Morgan


Sara was surprised, too, and asked: "Gunpowder?"

"Yes, gunpowder. It has cauterizing inside, they telled me," answers Hogan.

So, I believe that your interpretation is correct, according to Hogan's medical expertise.


I like how Clint instructs her to get the gunpowder but "don't go near me 'til I tell ya" as he lights himself a cigar, and then Sara comes IMMEDIATELY over with a fistful of gunpowder before he's even put out the match lol. She holds it right near his face while he's got a lit cigar in his mouth too! 

Another thing is that she puts the bag of gunpowder back in his saddlebag without doing the drawstring up. The first time a hot amber from one of his cigars flies in there and *BOOM!* goodbye Logan!
