TONTO gets killed!

According to IMDB's cast list, one of the three men killed in the hanging scene is played by Jay Silverheels, a very recognizable and famous actor. For almost two decades, he had famously played Tonto in the movies of, and on TV episodes of, "The Lone Ranger".

(For fans of Le Beouf, "The Lone Ranger" was also a Texas Ranger - who happened to be 'lone' except for an Indian sidekick named Tonto.)

In the 2010 remake, one reason the hanging is unforgettable is that the three men make speeches, but the third one, a Native American, is cut off as he starts.

In this 1969 version, perhaps the directors had planned to include that bit, and hired just about the most famous Native American actor in the world for it ... but apparently decided to forego the whole 'speech' thing. So Jay Silverheels, with all his screen cred, not only has no dialog at all, but we don't even get a close look at him and couldn't tell it was him.

(unless of course the cast list is in error...)
