
I saw the movie (not a 'film', but a movie...there is a difference...for me...) at a drive-in when it was first released, the summer of '69.

Watching it right now reminds me of how little interest I have in watching old/classics. They are -for me- more often than not little more than museum exhibits. Nostalgia pieces. Even stuff from the 80s makes me cringe.

I think I'll be watching it to its conclusion not because I feel any sort of reverence towards it, but rather to compare what I remember with what's actually on the screen.

(Oh, and I watched the 2011 remake yesterday. Flat, flat...flat. Loved Ms Steinfeld's performance, loved how they used authentic speech patterns and the such, and the scenery was quite stunning... (Point of trivia: both it and 'The Magnificent Seven' 2016 edition use the same cabin in one scene.) ...but there was no 'oomph' to it at all. More a series of character studies than a good story told well. Can't say I'd recommend it.)
