The Disoriented Man...

... in this case was me. Apparently, Vincent Price agreed. "Vincent Price in interviews a number of years after the film was made, said he never understood the script at all."

This movie was less a story than a series of interesting but disjointed set pieces. It took me a couple of viewings to figure out what exactly was going on. Maybe this is an example of the director and scriptwriter putting too much faith in the ability of viewers to ... uh... piece together the overall plot.

I guess I'll have to track down a copy of the novel upon which the movie is based.

Don't get me wrong, I kind of like the movie and I bought the DVD knowing full well what to expect. But you have to admit, the whole experience is kind of disorienting.



Not sure, scorpiovii...

I think the point is that the superhumans are everywhere at once, gradually consolidating their power. Konratz is simply the most advanced of his kind in his own country. I'm pretty sure Wicking deliberately wrote the script as a "chicken and egg" sort of tease.

The novel, by the way, lays the blame clearly with extra-terrestrials, so perhaps we should be grateful for Wicking's version.

On a related point: you saw the original theatre presentation but you can't remember what happened to Konratz's hand?

"Duck, I says..."



All right, but just this once...

"Duck, I says..."



Ha, ha! Thanks for that.

A great movie, for sure.

"Duck, I says..."
