The title?

Does anyone out there know what the original Italian title translates to in English?

"Ehi Amico... C'e Sabata, Hai Chiuso!" ? Thanks.


I think it is something like, "Hey Amigo...That's Sabata".

"Stupid friends are dangerous".



Well, after checking online translators i think it goes a little something like this:
'Hey friend...That's Sabata...You're finished!! ???????
The soundtrack, which is awesome and available on '' has this line in Italian and German at the start of a couple of tracks and is followed by a very mischevous laugh, so i think my translation is not too far from the fact. Who knows, ask an Italian!




mazaldivar gave the correct translation.
you're finished makes more sense, so it would be the best translation.

You think you're tough? Try living in a third-world country.
