THe new DVD audio is out of sync

For those unaware - the DVD on the version of Sabata that is available on DVD in America is out of sync. Audio is like 1/3 to 1/2 second ahead of the video.


Thanks for the heads up!


The one on the "this" digital went out of symc for a while when the channel pixelated.

Kyle: It's bigger than Cartman's @$$!
Eric: No it isn't you guys


are you sure this is true - have you seen a version where it was synched better?

this seems to be heavily influenced by sergio leone films and all the sound is post-dubbed, meaning no sound is captured on set. it's all added later.


The Region 1 DVD is definitely out of sync, starting at the point where Sabata visits Stengell "for dinner" (approx. 45 minutes in). The sound effects are way off.

There is no audio sync problem, however, with the hi-def version of SABATA that's occasionally run on the MGM-HD channel.

Luxuriate in the eclectic...


I was taking some notes last night for a re-synch project. I agree that the audio slips at approx the 45 min mark. However, I think that it catches up around the 1 hour 18 minute mark ... Just after the dynamite in the canyon scene.

Can you confirm?
