Does anybody know...?

Does anybody know the name of that funny looking kid that appears at the very beginning of the movie?
As Bud Spencer is riding on the carriage he notices this kid who's eating a loaf of bread.

What's his name?


I wonder why you wanna know that?


Because I want to find out if he's been in any other movies.

With that memorable face like his it would be a shame if this was his only performance.



You should title your thread “FUNNY LOOKING KID” or something similar. Because your title contains no info about the contents of the thread, and then we waste our time opening it to find nothing of interest.

Chili-P (It's my signature, yo.)


I didn't think the kid was funny looking. I thought he was hot.


Does anybody know the name of that funny looking kid that appears at the very beginning of the movie?
As Bud Spencer is riding on the carriage he notices this kid who's eating a loaf of bread.>>>>

Have you checked this movie cast name? Most likely, an Italian extra.
