
Where can I find lyrics for the songs?
I think I remember one, and I can't get the
tune out of my head. I think is the "time" song.


Time is a gift, precious and rare.
Take it and make of it all you can.
Use all you can there's not a moment to spare.
So take a moment to look around
see the sights hear the sounds.
Take a minute to analyse, concentrate.

Take a moment and change the fate of the world.

hmm thats all I remember of that song.


A couple corrections here.

Take a minute to concentrate, analyze, contemplate.
Take an hour to change the fate of the world.


Someone's gotta get lyrics for "Noise", "Nothing to do at the Doldrums" and "Rhyme and Reason Reign Once More"!



"You can do long as it's Nothing. long as it isn't Anything.

Some say there's nothing to do in the doldrums, some say we fiddle away the days.
We dawdle a bit, and then...we loiter awhile, and dawdle again.
We gather our strength, to start anew...on all of the loafing and lounging we still have left to do! So, don't say there's nothing to do in the doldrums, it's just not true."

At this point, Tock is trying to warn Milo that the Lethargians are about to kill them both. They don't even allow breathing in the doldrums, because it's still considered working!

Hope this helps, the words are from memory.


Actually, the Doldrums lyrics goes like this:

"You can do long as it's Nothing long as it isn't Anything

Don't say there's nothing to do in the doldrums
Don't say we fiddle away the days
We dawdle a bit, and then
We loiter awhile, and dawdle again
We gather our strength, to start anew
On all of the loafing and lounging we still have left to do!
So, don't say there's nothing to do in the doldrums
It's just not true."

Milo: (yawning) I can see your... even rich and... productive life.

"Don't say there's nothing to do in the doldrums
I'm ready to fiddle away the days, I am
I dawdle a bit, and then
I loiter awhile, and dawdle again
I gather my strength, to start anew
On all of the loafing and lounging I still have left to do!
So, don't say there's nothing to do in the doldrums
It's just... not... true."


Thanks for the correction.
I don't have the movie anymore, and haven't been able to find it again, so I had to try from memory.
(sheepish grin)


It's okay.

In fact, the whole movie is up on Youtube!
