One thing I don't get...

How is Dobbs so sure from when he first appears that Mac Guffin followed Mélancolie back to her house, and that she killed him...

He mentions at one stage that he knew when he fisrt saw her at the wedding, but itis unclear to me how?


1. I don't think Dobbs was "sure" but it was through his investigation and deduction. He learned from Mélancolie's mother that they saw and talked about the passenger getting off the bus. He learned from Nicole who worked at the shop that the guy was peeking through the glass at Mélancolie when she was in the changing room. Dobbs also knew that in that area no one could get around without driving but the guy took the bus and so had no car. So he deduced that he was hiding in the back of her car when she drove home. After that he disappeared into thin air, so where could he be? The passenger was a notorious serial rapist known to like to stay around in the victims' homes afterwards. Since he disappeared totally Dobbs thought the victim had killed him. He also found out from the cop friend of Mélancolie's husband that she drove out at night and told the cop that she was driving to the airport to meet her husband but it was found out that she didn't go there. That led to his suspicion that she was getting rid of the body. So he started investigation in that direction and later he was shown to be correct.

2. The wedding refers to the wedding of some woman that Mélancolie attended at the beginning of the film and we saw Dobbs for the first time looking at her. I think she looked nervous and he knew something was up.


Why did Dobbs tell her that story about another Italian man that was murdered by his wife, and lead Melancolie to believe it was him she murdered rather than just tell her it was the rapist that ripped off the army money?


I made the previous post immediately after I saw the film. I am sorry that after so many years I could just recall the barest outline of the film but not the details - including those parts I wrote about! But I have the DVD somewhere and actually thought of watching it again recently. Perhaps when I do so I might be able to answer.


He was trying to get her to confess, by any means necessary.
