Moments of brilliance

This film has many moments of absolute brilliance.But it is a bit uneven.
It's a shame it isn't better known.


I agree. I like the embedded TV ads promoting the Monitors. And the singing is an overall plus though I'm sure some people will disagree. The movie is very Sixties. Some of the references will be lost today. For instance, the use of Everett Dirksen ("A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.") At points, the movie devolves into silliness like "It's a Wild, Wild, World." On the other hand, I love those Bowler hats the Monitors wear - it gives them a Renee Magritte look.

The Monitors is available as an "instant play" on Netflix.


There are sparks of genius here and there but it also seems to be a trapped in it's era (even at the time).
