MovieChat Forums > Marooned (1970) Discussion > BOOOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNN GGGGG!!!!!


I'd HATE to think there could ever be a more B-O-R-I-N-G movie!! "Marooned" could just as easily have been called "Classical Music"!


I bet you are no more than 20 years old.


Stick with Vin Diesel movies, it sounds more like 2Fast, 2Furious is more your intellectual level.


There's every possibility that you're a dumbass.

The Second Amendment protects the First.


Whats wrong with classical music anyway?

Somebody else on the user comments board has already answered this guy so I`ll just repeat it here.

There's a common complaint from IMDb reviewers about a lot of films: "boring--entertain ME!" Sorry, that kind of complaint doesn't cut it. Gratuitous gun violence, sexuality, constant profanity, and guts/blood/guts--THAT gets boring. A film like _Marooned_ (or its nearest contemporary, _2001_), is paced deliberately for a reason. You must watch the characters closely, listen to the dialogue, and place both in the context of the story and setting. To dismiss _Marooned_ as 'boring' means you won't (or can't) see the point, and more's the pity.

"Any plan that involves loosing your hat is a BAD plan."



this movie was grreat! Have watched it the 1st time in probably 30n years and marvel how good it has stood the test of time.

and to think that this movie led to a rescue command module being placed on standby during Skylab. C'mon, respect its authority!



What's the line from Alien " In space you can't hear anybody scream". In Marooned if your going for realism there would be no sound in a vacuum. I think that's what happening here, the film is trying to be realistic as possible.

"Gentlemen, This is a War Room, There's no fighting allowed in Here!"


I can appreciate the pacing of some movies, but this just dragged endlessly. The ending was totally anti-climactic and took 25 minutes what could've been accomplished in a fraction of the time. That too with added drama.

The reason I love this movie is because it puts me to sleep. I'm not kidding, I have the MST3K version on my phone, so I'll watch this and five minutes later I'm out. If that's not the definition of a boring movie, I don't know what is


Well, there ARE more eventful, faster paced movies out there, and not quite so few of them, that´s for sure. Some parts, rich with technobabble and low on any kind of narrative development, really do drag rather badly and, the climax notwithstanding, the movie never really builds up any notable suspense or a sense of urgency. Overall, a watchable film, however... although Altman´s Countdown from the previous year is much livelier and makes a stronger impact.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Yeah, the pacing of this just SUUUUUUUCKED. It was waaaay too long, and not interestingly presented.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I loved it! I loved the realism...but I worked in aerospace and appreciate what is going on. And then I love classical music, too. I bet this weenie would turn all orchestra pits into mosh pits....close art galleries too. Turn colleges into amusement parks....

The dumbing down continues. This is the audience that they aim the garbage to--a decomposing body in your face within 30 seconds. Then it has to explode at the screen. Constant car chases, bombs exploding for no reason, and then they jump into bed--nothing like major trauma to put people in the mood.
