tidal wave

the wave is really immpressive at the end...poor lighthouse


Read in a book about the eruption that although one of the lighthouses was destroyed, the keeper survived and managed to get the light temporarily up and running a few hours later. Tragically though his wife and child were on the mainland and got killed when the wave hit. Do not know if the lighthouse in the film was based on that particular lighthouse.


They were actually in the lighthouse with him, but fled when he urged them to, trying to reach safety. He thought it was his duty to stay at his post, even though he believed they'd be safe and he'd be killed; ironically, even though the lighthouse was destroyed, sheared off almost at its base, he survived. The bodies of his wife and child were never recovered.

Sad story.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Hummmm....I'm not saying anyone here is wrong, but a very different account is given in the TV docudrama "Krakatoa: The Last Days" from 2006, which I think is shown from time to time on the Discovery Channel. Its very good IMO. Whichever version is true it is a sad account.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


I'd be surprised, since as far as I'm aware the details of the story come from one person's diary of the events of that day and one mention in a subsequent letter home to England.

What did the documentary say happened?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


OK I didn't want to post 'spoilers' :) but....the lighthouse keeper's family dog gets out when the keepers wife went to get coal. The boy volunteered to catch the dog, however she considered this too dangerous under the conditions, so she went to look for the dog instead. As the mother is looking along the rocky coast for the dog, we see the dog run up some steps to safety.

While searching she is destracted by movement out at sea, which turns out to be the wave. As she is now a distance from the lighthouse she is in no danger herself, however watches in shock as the wave sweeps away the lighthouse, with her husband and son inside. In a later recap she states that her husband and son are lost, and she cannot find them....

Again, I'm not at all saying this version above is true, they could have spun a version which they considered more interesting. All in all though IMO it is very good, the 'docudrama' re-enacts the action, on land and sea, then the scientific expanation.

"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five."


Whenever I think of this sequence I recall the horrible vocalising (dubbing) of the Asian woman who says TSUNAMI!

I recall seeing this theatrically with my family when I was 6 or 7 and was just in awe of the special effects. Of course they weren't too impressive once I saw them again as an adult.


Didn't this win Best Visual Effects?
