
This movie definately desrves a remake.


The movie is very similar to the 1 hour Twilight Zone episode "Parallel" though the TW episode makes more sence.


Is that where everything was the same except the language? "Glad to be home" sounded like "Just winter five dog". They thought he was crazy.


No, the one where the language changed (Wordplay) was from the *New* Twilight Zone series. Parallels was from the original series had the man be a different rank and no one know who John F. Kennedy was.



It doesn't need to be remade, so let's just leave the film be!


melchior6; the only movie that "desrves a remake" is a crappy one. this is not a crappy movie.


I agree, there needs to be a CGI remake that tries to avoid some of the science problems. There can't be a duplicate earth hidden behind the sun, but maybe there could be one in a different galaxy, etc... Just needs a plausible theory to back it up.

I.S. Oxford

"The books have nothing to say!"
-- Fahrenheit 451


We currently know too much about the solar system (and celestial mechanics) for a straight remake to really work (a second earth sharing our orbit could be observed indirectly through its gravitational 'wobble', for example). But having just re-watched this movie last night (after getting the beautifully remastered R1 DVD) I really don't believe a remake is needed. The film is a wonderful, nostalgic product of its time. Let it be. And I don't think CGI is the answer to all visual effects issues either, as CGI comes with its own inherent problems (phony and awkward movement, overly sharp edges, etc.). Besides, Derek Medding's miniature rockets are classic (easily on a par with the miniatures of "2001"). And any changes to the plot would cause the fanciful story to unravel. The beautiful, photographic 'dream-flight' effects, if replaced by CGI, would look like everything else seen on movies and TV these days. They got it right enough the first time.


This movie definately desrves a remake.




Yes, but without any multicultural trash.


Au contraire, this movie is so European and therefore was really visionary.
The multicultural issue is very attractive especially from the Canadian point of view. It is a pity that the EU does not produce more of these. This would change from the US centered ones that we have to suffer all the time.



There is a sort of-kinda-similar but not the same- remake

It's called "Another Earth"


With Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as the two astronauts?
