Awfully stupid

Even if this movie starts well (it looked like an unusual spy movie in space exploration settings) then quickly fades into silliness. Neverending scenes showing pathetic reconstructions of "computers" and "futuristic" cars and settings, lead to an incredibly stupid plot about a mirrored earth.
Please, PLEASE, remember that 2001: A Space Odissey came 1 year EARLIER.
I can't imagine who can have green-lit this movie project...
And, once for all, please everyone realize that mirrors DO NOT reverse left and right! What mirrors switch is front and back!!! This movie is entirely built on ignorance about this simple physics rule.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)




Actually, this one has rather impeccable production/set design, so that the futuristic world looks and feels quite convincing (the only exception being the women's fashions which look unmistakeably of its time). It also lacks the risible acting and dialogue generally characteristic to low-end sci-fi of the old - and that goes a long way in making the whole affair authentic enough to be invested in it as long as it lasts. Even if the premise is "stupid"... which is something one might or might not agree with; at any rate, it's more important how 's actually rendered and I'm sure there have been more absurd stories than this, when taken at the face value, made into successful movies. I sure liked this one's slightly mournful, psychedelic vibes.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
