Book was amazing

Read the book. From the first story to the last, you wont be able to put it down. Ray Bradbury is a genius


My favorite of the short stories that make up the book was, easily, "Marionettes, Inc." That one had a one-two punch that scared the hell out of me.


Dude, i know. It was so good, it's a shame that theme has been played out like a whore over the last 50 years. Like, I even remember an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode, starring tatiana ali, where she touches this evil chameleon, and it turns into her and tries to take over her life. It's like basically the same story as Marionettes, Inc. But AYAOTD was better, SYKE!


I read the "kid's playroom" and "rain planet" stories when I was a kid, but I forgot they were by Ray Bradbury (yeah shame on me!). It was great to experience them again, though the "rain planet" was much more haunting as a novel.

Long live the New Flesh!


I agree. I read it as an e-book, which is not a good idea for such an addictive bunch of stories. I couldn't "put it down" so I was on the computer for hours reading and ended up with a terrible headache. Heh. The Illustrated Man was definitely worth it though.


Yeah, the bopok is fantastic.

I lovethe one where the rocket has crashed and all the astronauts are drifting into space. There are parts of that that always get to me.

And the one about the disease colony and the man who can send hallucinations. Always wanted to see that as a short film.

Also the one about the kids playing a game about alien invasion. I guess that's been done a lot on sci-fi shows, but the Ray Bradbury version works for me!



Awe man it is!!!

My fave is "The Fox and the Forest"( or is it "The Fox in the Forest") the couple escaping the future in Mexico. I would love to see a full length movie version of that story. The ending was so sad.


We're reading it in English class and so far it is AMAZING!!!
At first I was like wtf at the prologue and The Verdt but thats onlly because i wasn't reading it with an open mind. We read the prologue and The Verdt in class and everyone thought it was awesome. My teacher said tat we'll like some of the stories and hate some of them. I really wasn't looking forward to this book because I hate sci-fi but its so good so far!! Especially last year when I read Fahrenheit 451. Bleh. Hated that.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008


Hey monkey24, I'm really not a fan of sci-fi either, I'm more into the supernatural, but I enjoy Bradbury's stories; its in the way he tells his stories. When I'm reading them, I don't feel like I'm reading your typical sci-fi novel. A good example is 'The Martian Chronicles' another Bradbury sci-fi book that I love.


Yeah the supernatural is pretty cool. I was more into it when I was younger. And my teacher said that his works aren't really the weird type of science fiction like Star Wars that would never happen. He says they're the type that could actually happen.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger 1979-2008



I just rented this recently. Nowhere as interesting as the book. As long as you can read and have a vivid imagination, Bradbury's stories are always better than any movie adaptation.

"Something Wicked This Way Comes" and this book were my introduction to Ray Bradbury when I was eleven.


Books are almost always better than films adapted from them, particularly for fantasy subject matter, and after watching this I can tell this is probably the case here. I liked this movie much more than most folks on this board apparently, and it will motivate me to seek out Bradbury's novel.


This is one of my fave novels and movies ever. Both the novel and the movie have a grip on you from start to end. RS is a great actor and cannot be replaced with none other but himself in this movie.


Who else sees the psychedelic touch in this movie? The white spot on Rod's skin is the just ending to a trip that is mind-blowing to say the least.


The book is totally awesome!! I always loved Zero Hour myself
