Missed opportunity

Here was a show that had all the potential to be a new Star Trek. I think it had the scope, the background, the characters, the scripts, the action, excitement and humour to, if not rival ST, at least provide us with a show that entertained and made us think.
Shame it never got made. Hopefully the scripts may get dusted off and made one day.


I totally agree,I really liked this TV-movie/pilot,it had enormous potential as a weekly sf show.GII is ripe for a revival as a TV series now.Also,with today's state-of-the-art Special/Visual FX they could produce a stunning looking version of the show that they could not have done in'73.CGI,virtual sets,animatronics & huge advances in make-up would all add tremendously to this concept.


And now, both navels would be pierced. Imagine the possibilities...


While the PAX trilogy of films are enjoyable they are in no way on par with the original Star Trek. Star Trek had well thought out plots and interesting characters. With the exception of John Saxon everyone else in the PAX trilogy of films were pretty generic. As for making a modern series with modern special effects... It would probably be filled with phony looking CGI which (IMO) completely destroys any kind of "reality" that the film makers are trying to convey. However, I would like to read the 20 scripts that were written.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


I have to agree with this. I loved Star Trek, but this just bored me to tears.

Alex Cord just didn't have the charisma to carry a show like this.


I think the missed opportunity is that the Sci-Fi(or whatever its called now) doesn't show classics like this more often. Instead we get Sharknado, Ghost Hunters and Infomercials. Why not show some classic scfi- fi shows like Lost In Space, Land Of The Giants and other claasic stuff like they did before they fell on their broadcasting sword

