MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > stranger on the highway

stranger on the highway

The stranger on the highway (Luke Askew) was so annoying. Holing his thumb out and when the bikes slowed down, he just stood there and made them turn around. Was not appreciative of the ride it seemed. When they stopped for gas and he said "it's taken care of" I could not help but wonder if he had communist ideology and believed everything should belong to everyone so they should not pay. He was condescending to everyone it seemed.

Having grown up in the 60's, he just reminded me of the people that tried to hard to be cool, they were annoying. There used to be a saying "if you have to try to be cool, you are not".


This character is irritating. I always wondered whether he was suppose to be pretentious so that we wanted to leave the commune scene just like Billy, or if he was suppose to come across as deep and spiritual, in which case it's the film that's pretentious.

Either way, he has one good moment:

Wyatt: That smoke's getting to me.
Stranger: But l notice you're not moving.
(all three crack up)

These couple seconds are the best part of the whole encounter with the stranger on the highway.


I always said he's what Boss Paul would be if he became a hippie. Yes, Boss Paul from Cool Hand Luke, the biggest dickhead of the bosses! The guys gave him a fargin ride, Billy's trying to have a friendly conversation with him asking where he's from and just says "a city"
