MovieChat Forums > Easy Rider (1969) Discussion > Today's Easy Rider... no Iphones,blackbe...

Today's Easy Rider... no Iphones,blackberrys, internet, cable TV

A historian interestingly called these devices 'The shakels of the 21st century'. However there seems to be no youth movement to abandon these devices. I often wonder how Gen Y,if transported in time, would cope with the space and free time of Easy Rider.

In from The Onion--- 'Humans seem to be spending the majority of their waking hours looking at glowing screens!'


Today's generation simply wouldn't make it in that environment. It's our challenge to reinvent it for our own time, with Iphones, blackberries, etc. Just remember that the government is the problem, no matter whether it's Bush or Obama that's running it. The "free individuals" this film was talking about weren't on the dole. (posted via iPhone)


Id have to agree. Todays generation has become too dependent of their technology. They would be lost if they were transported back in time. If they wanted information, they would have to actually go to the library, and learn to use a card catalog. That isnt to say they couldnt adapt, but Im sure it would take time.
Case in point. Last April I had to travel back to my hometown (I live about 300 miles away) to attend my Mom's funeral.(Thanks, I appreciate the thought) My sister and my neice still live in the area. My neice is 34 and a very intelligent young woman. she just completed her MBA. It was early morning. We were outside a store that was closed, and we didnt know when it would open. Immediately my neice got on her blackberry to find out when that store would open. All I did, while she was pushing buttons, was get out of the car and walk about 40 feet to the front door and read the business hours. We both found out the same thing, but it didnt even occour to her to NOT check online first.
Generation gap?..definitely, but newer doesnt necessarily mean better.
My kids grew up not understanding that there was a time when you actually had to get up off your butt, walk across the room to change the channel.


I dont think these gadgets are as pressingly blatant as the shackles of their generation. But I don't screw with any of that junk, maybe we should start the new counter-cultural order?


Well I am 14 I dont depend on electronics, I mean I would love to have the lifestyle they have in Easy Rider. Just the rock music, camping out, Harley's: It would be great.

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


Agreed, I'm fifteen and cringe at the thought of ever becoming dependent on technology. I have a simple cell phone with a keyboard, but it's not used very often. And I have an iPod, but this music I have inspires me so much that I have to keep it around. Convenience-based electronics just cause laziness. And I think that the possession of a blackberry, smartphone, etc. just ties you to this little object, like when I hear kids say things like "I couldn't SURVIVE without my phone!" I think of how dangerous the idea of possession can be as a whole.

I'd love to have that life--camping around, biking through the country, listening to the music, being TRULY free. If only our generation could see through the facade of current American society, then we could build something better for ourselves. That's my biggest hope now.

Tomorrow you're homeless, tonight it's a blast!


You should see England; you get chewed out for not having the latest iPhone or laptop ect...

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan



I'm 22 and everyone I know is severely dependant on technology. Granted I know how to use a library, I know how to survive in the forest, and I go camping without any amenities, but we're still a generation that will be remembered for technology and not much else. Anyone who says otherwise is plain ridiculous.


What exactly do you do with a rubber band and two bricks?

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


I'm sorry, I just can't get all that nostalgic about library card catalogs.



I'm 37 and have no cell phone, no desire to get one either. It amazes me how shackled my contemporaries have become to technology. And although I use a computer in my everyday life, I could really go without one.




Wow. Make me feel worse than I already do about my generation,man! I'm 22 and in college and I swear everyday I feel more and mroe out of touch with my generation. Just a feeling of lost, no passion, no desire, no nothin'. Drink on weeekends, sleep with girls, work at a gym(which I love) and go to school during the year 400 miles south of home. Still, found no "home" I can relate to.

I mean, the 60s and 70s I think in all honesty, were just a Real cool time. I understand the problems held but you guys were a WE generation whereas mine is simply a ME generation. There is nothing to hold us together,and in truth everyone is so fake and insecure with, well, anything. And those that are "different" in aspects still have a uptight hipster attitude. So in truth, I don't fit in real well with either type of my generation. I'm in college doing nothing, getting a degree I don't know what I plan to do with.

Only thing that makes me happy is lifting, guitar, hopping on my dads 1973 Triumph motorcycle(oh absolutely, Easy Rider style!), listening to the 300 and something vinyl recrods in my bedroom and day dreaming about cruising across the country with my buddy. I wasn't made for these times. Is that a copout? Sure. But I really wasn't. I love Springsteen, the Stones, Dylan, Zeppelin, etc. And I go out on a night and all I hear is lady gaga, jay z or some other rap music. It makes me feel sad. Rock n ROll makes me feel ya knnow, invincible.. While rap just makes me feel like.. Nothings going to happen.

How I envy you guys where I'm sure it was a simpler time in the 60s and early 70s. Ya know, Sure I might be idolizing it, but I really believe in the whole 70s as a generaration who found it's purpose in not having a purpose. And.. I kinda like that. I feel that with myself. While everyone else is so full on with Jersey Shore, I can't even relate to kids my own age. Sad, it really really is. Besides a few friends.

Oh well, I'll keep searching and looking for that home out there, somewhere.


Hey I agree with you rj. Truth be told I spend more time on the computer than I probably should (my choice, just something I need to break out of), but I've never had a cellphone or any of those other "take-along" gadgets and I have absolutely no desire to get into that sort of thing. Any friends/family that have them are constantly on them or looking at them or whatever, it's difficult to hold a conversation with someone when they're always breaking eye contact to stare at their gadget under the table. I mean, like I said, I spend too much time on the computer, but when I'm off of it there are zero distractions for me, when I'm out I only carry my wallet. I wish more people would do the same because these go-everywhere gadgets make it difficult to connect with people on a personal face-to-face level. I have a few close cousins that I only see once every several months and even for the few hours we are together they can't stop checking their text messages! It's ridiculous. Don't get me wrong they are great people but they are really shackled by these things and I wish it wasn't so. My mother does the same thing.

Anyway, when I'm away from the house I don't want people calling me every 5 seconds. They can wait until I'm home to call me (and I am at home A LOT), yet still people rag on me for not having a cellphone, good grief.

I'd recommend the song "In The Year 2525" (by Zager & Evans) to you, it's sickening how much of it is already a reality.


Hey nice thread! ... two years since but things have gone more evident on the technology dependence ..

I own a very simple cell phone and always forget to carry it hehe. .. my lady is always on my back for doing that or when i dont answer calls and stuff .... i hate to see people everywhere with their looks down texting and *beep* .. at work on lunch time you end up having conversations with people that are not even lookin at you .. .. .im 27 and for whats worth i'm proud to not have a facebook account or twitter or a fancy cell phone (iphone / ipad) im on these boards because i love movies and the posts i make are in between working hours anyway hehe ,,, almost never from home .. . my childhood and teenager days were all about direct contact with the friends and with the world, I have a 20 year ol brother who spends all he's free time playing games in his cell and at facebook ... .. i cant imagine myself at that age doing that ... cant stop thinking what a waste of life ....and can't stop thinkin what the future will be at this pace ... ... yeah its really amazing all that people can do with those little devices, and how great they look and how easy they make life and *beep* its more amazing what you stop doing for being stuck at them all the time ...

i love this movie ... because its sad but true .. theres no real freedom you can make all the choices for yourself but in the end you play by the rules or youre out of the game ...... ... I would also loved to live in another era .. i love the 80's ... things were more simple back then ...

- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre


Spanish Pipedream (John Prine)

She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol
And I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal
Well she pressed her chest against me
About the time the juke box broke
Yeah, she gave me a peck on the back of the neck
And these are the words she spoke

Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try an find Jesus on your own

Well, I sat there at the table and I acted real naive
For I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve
Well, she danced around the bar room and she did the hoochy-coo
Yeah she sang her song all night long, tellin' me what to do

Repeat chorus:

Well, I was young and hungry and about to leave that place
When just as I was leavin', well she looked me in the face
I said "You must know the answer."
"She said, "No but I'll give it a try."
And to this very day we've been livin' our way
And here is the reason why

We blew up our T.V. threw away our paper
Went to the country, built us a home
Had a lot of children, fed 'em on peaches
They all found Jesus on their own

(Available to view on YouTube)

