Terence Mckenna?

Is is just me, or in the film does George sound almost exactly like Terence Mckenna? The sound of their voice down to some of their ideals... to me its pretty awesome every time I watch the film


Dude, nobody on the IMDB forums knows who Terry McKenna is except you and me.


They should :(
He's amazing


Yeah, he sounds like early McKenna. Judging solely by You Tube clips, McKenna's vocal tone and style changed over the years. At least that's how it "sounds" to me.


I didn't think he sounded like him much but then you mentioned this. I've read his work more than listened to him. I'm curious if it was an intentional change.


Oh no. He's a personal hero of mine.


Then they should make a friend named google.

Get the facts first - you can distort them later!


from all appearances.


in a spiritual sense he gave himself over to the archons. nothing worse really for a materio-spiritual self. may his soul have everything it could not get from THE AGENCY.


I do. You may be surprised.


from what i see of late, terence was a cia dude. not funny. george hanson as portrayed by good ol' semi satanic jack nicholson (not the apache yosin) is a tribute to the mckenna unique dialect. despite having sold out to the cia, mckenna tales from south america in his two books: archaic revival and true hallucinations are nothing other than compelling in the extreme. wondering how much of it was exact as it happened. no fiction.

be aware of the book by: alfred w. mccoy, prof at uofwisconsin. politics of heroin. also dave emory on youtube and his reading aloud of the mccoy work. stunning. your government and its POWER hard at work.

nasty bastards. enuf said. someday we will rid ourselves of the lying punks.
