best line

from the sheriff played by Jeff Corey:

Can you at least have the decency to draw your gun.



There are just too many:

"You just keep thinking Butch, that's what you're good at."
"I got vision and the rest of the world wears bi-focals."
"Don't sugarcoat it like that, Sundance, tell her straight."
"I just eat this up with a spoon."
"You can make some money on this fight, bet on him." "I would, but who'd bet on YOU?"
"All of Bolivia can't look like this." "How do you know, people may travel hundreds of miles to come to this spot where we are right now."
"Morons. I hired morons. There is no danger of robbery going DOWN the mountain. We have no money going DOWN the mountain."
"You call that cover?" "Well, if you hadn't decided to stroll...."
"The specialty of the house, and its still moving."
"That settles it...this place gets no more of my business."
"Who are those guys?"
"I can't swim!" "Hell, the fall'll probably kill ya!"

And on and on. Some of the funniest lines ever written, and you can use them. "Don't sugarcoat it, tell it straight" and "I just eat this up with a spoon" are two of mine.


"What are you doing?"
"I'm stealing your woman"
....pause,... "Hell take her, just take her"
"Well you're a romantic basturd I'll give yah that"
