This vs. The Sting?

Which is better in your opinion?

"Have you seen the new addition to The Guggenheim?"


Prefer the Sting for it's awesome soundtrack and unique plot / style of film in general.

Oh, I love a picnic. Acres and acres of sand and all of it in your food.


I think The Sting holds up better


I'd be happy spending my twilight years watching one and then the other. Two of the most re-watchable movies on my list of re-watchable movies.


The Sting but not by much


Butch, by a mile, for me.

Both great films, but I LOVE Butch.

IMHO the dynamic in The Sting didn't work - Redford was way too old for that role and Newman a tad too young.

Maybe had I not already seen Butch I could have bought their dynamic in Sting, but they worked way better as contemporaries here than as mentor and student.

Plus, good as The Sting is, Butch is such a beautifully shot and made film.

I get that it is entirely subjective, and my experience of being there too see them at the time, just, colours my opinion, but I don't see how anyone can think Sting a better film. Not saying they are wrong, simply from my perspective.

But, while I know and enjoy The Sting, it doesn't resonate with me all that much, whereas, were I stranded on a desert island, I could watch Butch in my head forever.

The Sting is a well made, clever film, but that's it, for me. it has no resonance and, once you've seen it, its kind of done. Nothing wrong with that, but for me Butch actually speaks about an era, and life itself. The Sting is just a clever yarn.

I watch and enjoy The Sting, but I keep coming back to Butch, and every time I laugh, and cry my eyes out!


The two aren't comparable since they are utterly unalike.


The sting easy .


The Sting
