wrong generation

Bridge was made in '69 during the Vietnam war. It shows. The GIs are all fighting with one another, fighting with their officers, and the whole thing is potrayed as an exercise in futility

Watch Band of Brothers. That's how soldiers behaved during WWII


I have to agree wholeheartedly. I read the book before I saw the movie, and in the book, the author Ken Hechler mentions that Lt Karl Timmermann, the real-life counterpart of Lt Hartman, was a good-humored officer who was like "Mr. Roberts" from the stage play of that title, and Sgt Joe DeLisio, who was the prototype for Sgt Angelo was likewise the object of good-natured jokes by the other members of the company because of his alleged looting. I can't think of any film where I was more disappointed in the adaptation from a book. It's an okay movie, but it leaves me with a bad aftertaste.



You can also see this in Kelly's Heroes. I definitely think it is reflective of Vietnam. M*A*S*H is the exact same way.

"Whenever Mrs. Kissell breaks wind, we beat the dog."


So ALL World War II soldiers behaved as "gee whiz sarge lets get the nazis and make the world safe for democracy" Captain America types? That NEVER questioned why they were in Europe or the Pacific? And Viet Nam era soldiers are "peace love I won't follow that order to kill another human being for the "man" we'll just use "flower power" hippies? Lol! Nah, J/K I know how you folks on imdb get. A Rex Banner sense of humor from the Simpsons.These are movies. Lighten up. That's why I rarely post here anymore. I like BP better. :)



It showed plenty of bitterness between enlisted men and officers ie barnes, hartman and angelo duo


I forget the exact percentages, but they're out there if you want to look it up, but a big chunk of soldiers in WWII never even fired their weapons even while they were in combat, and only a small percentage ever hit anything. Most of the ammo used hit nothing.

But yeah, some of these movies are "counter-culture"/sixties type movies, so what? Enjoy them for what they are, it's campy and an interesting reflection on the times. The same movies in the 40s and 50s are all "propaganda"-America can't lose stuff. It's fun too.

Go watch some documentaries if you want accuracy.


My mom would joke that they expended more ammunition while they filmed "Combat!" that they did in the entire Second World War in both the ETO and the Pacific. ;)

Perhaps "Combat!" was not so inaccurate. :D




He is risen!


With millions of GIs in thousands of units I think you would find a wide assortment of soldiers and behaviors. But you are right that this movie smacks of the "futility of war" era like the 60s and not lets say in the 40s.
