thank you ABC family!!

Seriously, thank you ABC family for showing this alot the past few months. I'm watching it right now and I watched Snoopy come home just the other day!

Why I'm thankful is because I haven't seen it in years, and most other channels are so obsessed with NEW movies and shows that alot of people forgot about this movie. It's nice to take a time trip to the past :)

Keep it up!



"A Boy Named Charlie Brown" and "Snoopy, Come Home" came on tonight back-to-back starting at 7pm Eastern on ABC Family! I probably haven't seen these movies in at least a decade; it was great to finally see these great movies again! They hold a special place in my heart!


The movies are airing again on ABC Family this year as well at the same times!


Yup! I just watched A Boy Named Charlie Brown and now Snoopy, Come Home is on.
