This movie made me cry!

I was about 12 years old when I saw it but I have to say, it was really very sad. I saw it again as an adult and guess what. It was still sad. I guess the whole point of Charlie Brown is that it teaches all of us that life can give you some lemons but you can still make lemonaid. I suppose there's a little bit of Charlie Brown in all of us. Its a lesson young and old can all understand.


I used to watch this very often as a young child, and it left a deep imprint. I just watched it again, for the first time in probably more than 13 years.

in the last few minutes, i started crying uncontrollably. that doesn't happen often to a teenage guy. however, this movie is quite unique in pretty much any aspect you can think of.

animation, dialogue, and music all absolutely gorgeous. thank god we have people like charles schultz, and vincent guaraldi around.


good 2 know i was not the only one.






Alright, I love Peanuts, mostly just the animated stuff, not so much the strips, although I do respect them. This is by far the best Peanuts movie, although I also enjoy "RFYLCB" and "BVCB". To me, "Snoopy Come Home" is pretty boring though, because the animated Snoopy character just seems very dull.

The ending made me cry too. You just feel SO empathetic for poor Charlie Brown. It's so depressing. Well, I didn't really cry, but my eyes were watering quite a bit. It's a very unique, wonderful movie, with excellent music!



I don't normally cry watching movies, and I don't think I cried over this one. But it's been nearly 20 years since I've last saw it and I've just turned 30. So I just might when it's mood combines with my feeling old! LOL

I do remember seeing all the Peaunts movies at one time or another. And I've always been a Peanuts fan, so I have this DVD coming to me in the mail as we speak. So I'll likely be able to see it as soon as the end of this week. But if it is that touching, I might have a touch time not having my eyes water being that it will be comined with nostalgia once it comes back to me, and the fact that It's been years and I'm in meloncholy moods quite a bit these days.

I do have one question, though. Does anyone remember if this movie was the one that featured Snoopy riding on the bus, playing the Jew's harp? I used to like how it was put in sync with the music score. By reading this and "Snoopy Come Home", I'd have to say it was "Snoopy Come Home", but somehow, I'm almost positive it's this one.

I have definite memories of both. Including the spelling bee in the first one and the Thurl Ravenscroft "No Dogs Allowed" in the second. I almost bought "Snoopy Come Home" as well, but I decided to wait due to the fact I've bought several DVD's lately. It may be boring, but I'll most likely still enjoy it for the nostalgic kick involved.


Snoopy played a mouth harp in this one. The tune he plays helps remind Charlie Brown of the "I before E, except after C" rule.

This was a great movie, and I think the soundtrack really adds to its bittersweet mood. Vince Guaraldi's "Skating," while Snoopy skates in Rockefeller Center, and Rod McKuen's title track are just wonderful.


if you think this one is sad watch snoopy come home you'll want to kill your self


Alright, this movie came just a few days after my above post. Than I ordered "Snoopy Come Home" immediately afterwards. And I JUST saw "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" last week for the first time since I don't know when. It didn't make me cry, but I could certainly feel it's mood throughout the movie. And yes, it was the one I was talking about, thanks. I like it just as much as I did as a child!


everytime i watch a charlie brown cartoon, i feel like i love him...
it never gets old..and the score is absolutely amazing.


Yes, the score is definitely one of the best things about the movie. I wish there was a soundtrack available, but I can see that there'd be a very limited audience for it.


I also cried during this movie, though not sure I did when I was a kid. It just brought back a lot of memories and really reflected my own personal feelings. I truly identified with Charlie Brown in a lot of incidents and it was kind of depressing. That and that really sombre, deep Beethoven part with Schroder was done so well. Really added to the already magnificent music.


I rather say "touching", than "sad".
When I first saw "snoopy, come home!", well that was really sad. Just sad, with a few touching moments. That movie didn't have that bittersweet beauty that this movie is all about.
This is the peanuts movie, where you feel the characters (charlie, especially) so close to yourself, that you just have to laugh and cry with them.

