Why Handel?

The first two musical pieces on the soundtrack are taken from Handel's MESSIAH.

Can anyone figure out a logical reason for this? Or was it just another 60s 'tweak' at tradition?


Because it's shamelessly easy to mock God for fame and money.

Either that, or because of their respect and reverence for our God and His generous gift of grace.

Tabby S.


My guess is you were right the first time.


Wikipedia cited Paul Mazursky as an atheist.


My guess is that there's absolutely no correlation between not showing any love for our God, lack of respect for those whose work honors Him, and being an atheist.

Tabby S.


When people make a great discovery or receive something unexpected, they sometimes shout "Hallelujah!" That's what I took the music to depict, the "insights" that were taking place at the Institute. Personally, I think all that stuff is a bunch of granola and a very poor substitute for a personal relationship with God, but to use the vernacular, everyone is free to do their own thing.


I was wondering too. Theorizing that probably either because it's akin to a religious experience or because Handel doesn't get any royalties.


No idea but loved what they did with the drums there.
