Sequel to original play?

From Wikipedia (not the most reliable of sources, I know)

'Antrobus' plays include The Bed-Sitting Room (1963) (co-written with Milligan) and a sequel from 1983'

Does anybody know anything about this supposed sequel? I've had a search around and I can't find anything. It would be nice to get just a title.


According to
it was called Bed-Sitting Room 2, probably unpublished, and was an "adaption" of BSR.


As fas I know Bed Sitting Room was first produced as a Play by John Antrobus and Spike Milligan, and the Film came from that, with no notion of anything else.

Just seen the mention Bed Sitting Room2, but this contains NO information, or any proof that Antrobus or Milligan ever considered any such thing.
