
This surely was inspired by the Othello-Iago-Desdemona model, with Renzo playing the part of the evil, jealous Iago. Like Othello, Federico allows Renzo to plant suspicion of his wife, even when all her conduct points to complete innocence, as did Desdemona's.

We are not told why Carla was suicidal, as her backstory was not disclosed. Desdemona, of course, did not commit suicide but was murdered by her husband, who had allowed Iago to take control of his mind. So she was destroyed by the toxic combination of Othello and Iago, comparable to the Renzo-Federico dynamic.

Renzo, like Iago, seems to have extreme admiration for the person he torments, and allows admiration to descend into a desire to destroy.

The thread left unresolved is whether the procurer really had a high-pay call girl to offer or was pulling his leg to keep his business. We know she had something going because she produced the young student.

The gold pin is comparable to Desdemona's lost scarf, although there is no proof that the pin in question ever belonged to Carla. In fact, it could not have.

If I were still in college, I would try to find a reason to do a paper on this.

