Please vote

Please vote for this great film to be released on DVD, at the moment its only got 95 votes and is 278 in TCM's rank.


I've nothing against this movie being released on dvd, but they should make another film of Alfred. This could have been so much better.

I want something's flesh!


I did. So far rank: 199. Not good enough. I hope more people vote..


I have just voted for this film. I have not seen the film all the way through, i have only seen bits if it and that was around 6 or 7 years ago when i was 11 or 12. But i did think that it looked like a really good film. I love British history and i love films about real historical people. I would love to see this film all the way through.

They should make another epic film on Alfred The Great. They should also make ones about William The Conqueror, Richard The Lionheart, Edward I, Robert The Bruce, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and a more historically acurate one on William Wallace.

Is this film ever shown on T.V? If so what channels is it shown on?

If anyone knows please tell me.

From The Joker.


It is shown on TV from time to time, often on TCM. It is a poor film. You say they should make a more historically accurate film about Wallace; this one should be more accurate about Alfred.

He was never going into the church.
Asser, whom Alfred is with just before he becomes king, did not come into his life until 15 years after he became king.
Alfred's wife, Ealhswith, married Alfred when he and his brother Ethelraed were campaigning against in Mercia, the north-neighbouring kingdom.
Ealhswith was never a hostage of the Danes.
All the talk of "freedom" and the rule of law for the masses in this film was total hogwash. It didn't exist and Alfred would never have believed in it.
The Danes were presented as a uniformed regular army, which they never were.

I could go on and on, but this film was a nonsense. I think at one point the film took us into stone buildings, which the Saxons never used and certainly didn't build. It was a great disappointment.

I want something's flesh!


I have seen this film now, my good cousin recorded it for me on VHS from TCM. I thought it was a pretty good film despite it's age, budget and lack of historical acuracy. Yes i think there should be a more historically accurate film on William Wallace. I also think that there should be a better one on Alfred to but i do think that this film does the King some decency.

From The Joker.


An historically accurate film of William Wallace is a non-starter unfortunately since too little is known about him. Braveheart was based on a poem written centuries after his death and wholly imagined.

There are any number of English kings about whom films shold/could be made. Henry II (a la Becket and the Lion in Winter), Harold I (Harold Godwinson), Cnut, Ethelraed the Unready, Henry I, King Stephen and the Empress Maud, Henry V, Richard III, Edward II - the list goes on.

But first of all they need to nail Alfred, one of the most important leaders in history anywhere, without whom this language we are using would not exist.

I'll tell you in another life when we are both cats.


MidniteRambler, do you think an historically acurate epic film on the great Scottish King, Robert the Bruce should be made?

I do , he was a truely great king, he is my greatest hero in history.

I would love to see a great, historically, acurate film made on him.

Maybe it will happen one day.

If i had a choice of any film to be made it would be one on him, because he was such a great Scotsman.

I am a Scot by the way.

What is your view on this matter then Midnite Rambler?

Take care.

From The Joker.


This film is fantastic. Haven't seen it in many years but have a vivid memory. It may not be entirely accurate history, but it conveyed a great feel for the era. And David Hemmings gave an intense, captivating performance.

I would love to buy a DVD! I hope someone issues it soon. It was available on VHS at one time so it can't be that hard to knock out a DVD version, can it?

Incidentally, I followed the TCM link above but couldn't find a place to vote for this. Of course, the post is four years old. But if the OP or someone else can direct me somewhere where I can express my support for this movie's release on DVD, I'd be happy to oblige!


It was an interesting movie although not very accurate at all.

Its that man again!!
