Films that transport...

First off, Helen Mirren is one of my favorite actresses, so I was already interested in viewing one of her first roles before knowing the content of "Age of Consent". James Mason was is dashing self, as expected but the real magic of this film, was in its ability to transport one smack-dab into a summer experience. Most of it is filmed in the energetic brightness of early daylight--sparkling water and steamy sand included--or the magic of summer moonlight. The colors of water and reef are brilliant and overexposed with brightness; just like a fresh, hot day at the shore in early summer would appear. There is also something about the background music that reminds me of t.v. movies that would be on during during summer vacations. Needless to say, "Age of Consent" has earned a place amongst my list of films that inspires travel and leisure.

Yes, some of characters are essentially caricatures and Helen Mirren is nude during most of the film (but even nudity can't distract from the authenticity of her talent and this hilarious performance). Despite this (and for many viewers, it will likely be BECAUSE of this) I recommend that you view "Age of Consent" at least once. Preferably during one of those "lost" mid-summer days when there's nothing that needs to get done besides walking in buggy woods, exploring warm dirt roads or reading besides the shore.

What do you think about it? What summer experiences does it remind you of (if any)?


I agree it transports one - for me it brings back my childhood summer vacations at a cabin on a beach. The film's combination of beach, sunshine, paths through the woods, underwater reef shots, cute dog, artistic endeavors, handsome James Mason, and of course the young Helen Mirren so comfortable in her own (naked) skin is a really enjoyable experience!

The newly restored version seen on TV for the first time November 26 also has restored the original musical score and gives the film a different feeling. It's more jazz and less pop music. I think it suits the film better and takes away the sense of a dated soundtrack.


Thanks for sharing this--and your information about the restored original soundtrack!



That's exactly it, too! "Age of Consent", right down to the tongue-in-cheek title, can sometimes be a silly film, but it's aware that it is. The whole thing is quirky and the characters have spunk and personality. But how light is filmed (the over-bleached sunshine, the glowing aura of moonlight on water with the addition of jellies) is a serious accomplishment. There's also something very laid back and idyllic about this film.


I spent a lot of holidays at one of those shacks on the coast of Australia when I was a kid. Its exactly true how they portrayed it. Burying rubbish in the sand, the tub for the outside toilet, the gas lantern. I never got bored, there was always something to do, surfing, fishing, crabbing and making a fire to cook your meals was great. Plus you sleep like a log after all that exercise. Its still there, I saw it on Google Earth the other day. lol


Even with what I know about "the tub for the outside toilet", do I envy you ;). You must have such wonderful memories of that place. Have you ever gone back as an adult?


I live in a different part of australia now tetrabean, but the shack is still there, you should check it out on Google Earth, its at a place called Burning Palms in the Royal National Park.


i agree. i loved this film too. im a huge of helen and i love james mason as well, i thought it was a beautiful film

Vivienne Vyle- I'm a *beep* mess cause your *beep* midget *beep* feet.


It was beautiful and atmospheric--and James Mason and Helen Mirren play-off eachother so well!


Well, I've never spent too much time on a tropic beach with a half
naked blond, so I don't have anything that comes to mind from my
own experience. But in terms of other films that it may remind me
of, one that comes to mind is the original "Swept Away".. Not that
horrible remake with that skank "Mad-Donna".. The original with
Giancarlo Gianninni(sp). Same sort of setting, but with no neighbors
or drunk thieving friends though. But def. the same "ambience"..



Hahaha...there are some atmospheric similarities between the two, although, James Mason's character isn't as, let's say..."demanding", as Giancarlo Giannini's.


It was a nice film to watch, entertaining and funny and it's a typical 1960s movie.
You're an artist, you've got a Babe on the Beach and all clouds on the sky have disappeared.



Yes, it's idyllic - in the original meaning
Idyll: a poem or prose composition, usually describing pastoral scenes or events or any charmingly simple episode, appealing incident, or the like.

Life was so much simpler then

