In HD on Netflix

I recently subscribed to Netflix, and found this film available from them. You can have the disc shipped to you, or you can stream it online. If you stream it to a PC it's in standard def but on the PS3 it's available in HD. All the better to see the lovely young Ms. Mirren. Of course it also quite clearly displays her astoundingly hairy legs, so it's not perfect. But what are you going to do.


Hairy legs? She's playing a child of nature so of course she's hairy. She's a real woman. There aren't any waxing salons on the island where she's living

The scene where she's alone in her shack, strips off and lets her hair down is a masterful piece of acting as she realises the power of her own sexuality.

Try watching it projected in 35mm onto a large cinema screen. That's a lot higher definition than so called "HD"

