Storage jars

To me, this is the most unfunny sketch of the entire series? In most sketches that I don't particularly care for, I can at least see what they were trying for. But I don't see that in Storage Jars. It's just dull and pointless.

Unless it was in some way relevant to early 1970's Britain that I'm completely missing.



What I get from it is a stupid "news" program making something out of nothing.

Or maybe focusing on nothing when something else (whatever the fighting was about) was more important.


I agree that was probably the intention, but maybe their execution was off. It was, of course, near the end of the third series, when then were clearly running out of ideas.




I thought it was much funnier than most sketches in the fourth season.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley
