The music from the show

Does anyone know who played or composed the music in the show? I know I've got the details for the main theme somewhere but what about all the songs in the show because they sounded like they were done by a completely different group.

Also, I've heard there's a songbook that comes with the series DVD release. It's meant to be a colouring/songbook. Does anyone own this? does it contain sheet music or just lyrics?

Any other info on the music is appreciated. I think it's awesome.


Les Szarvas composed all of the songs for the series, including the theme song. Szarvas went on to become better known as the owner of DISContinued Records, a store which boasted having a copy of every record ever made. He died in the late '80s. Some DVD releases came with lyric inserts (as did the mail-in 45 record soundtrack offered by Kellogg's cereal) but I've never seen sheet music for any songs from the show. Don't quote me on this, but I think I've seen sheet music of songs from the movie on eBay, but they're by different composers (Charles Fox & Norman Gimble) and the little merchandise that exists from the film's original release is very rare.


I actually bought the dvd boxset and it came with a pdf of the colouring book, complete with sheet music/songs and yeah, his name is at the top of each page. It's a scan of an older book. The sheet music is very basic. It has the melody/bass notation with lyrics and chords above. I'm very happy with it though.
Yes, I've seen sheet music from the movie on ebay too but I've never seen the movie. I saw a trailer for it and it looked like it had a very different atmosphere to the show which put me off.


Whoops, thanks for correcting me; I was under the impression it was just a lyric sheet (I bought the original DVD set and didn't bother with the re-release - guess I probably should). As for the movie, the "Pufnstuf Zaps the World" trailer really sucks. Most of the cast and crew returned, the same costumes/sets were utilized -- the biggest changes are Pufnstuf's voice (it's off but not terrible), the lack of a laugh track, and the music, which is bit more polished (seems like Fox composed music for EVERY movie and TV show in the '70s and '80s). Once you pass the opening credits song and a brief scene with Jimmy in the real world, the tone is virtually the same as the show. There are some fun moments (Witchipoo, as always, devours the scenery and plays well off of Mama Cass) and personally, I like it just as much as the series. It also works as sort of a segue into "The Bugaloos" with the bubblegum-music, Martha Raye as Boss Witch (Benita Bizarre light), Billy Barty as a mole (not much different than Sparky) and Funky Rat as Boss Witch's Nazi cohort.
