MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Scenes with Alice cooking or preparing d...

Scenes with Alice cooking or preparing dinner

Did you ever notice in certain scenes where Alice is cooking or preparing dinner, it clearly looked like there was nothing in it. Like when Alice was stirring soup or whatever, you can tell nothing was in there not even any prop food.


idk if it took 'that long' to have dinner in the oven and they cleaned up from preparing dinner while the dinner is cooking... but I have noticed how CLEAN the kitchen was as the dinner prep was happening.

no cutting board with chopped carrots out, no spoons for stirring? no bowls to put the food INTO?

and this is weird: they had 8 [9] people to cook for! that is a lot of food... like well over a dozen eggs a morning should have been used!! still... 'a place for everything and everything in its place' surly was the motto in this house!

I just can't believe that there was little to no 'living' done in the house!

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


I have notice salad. There is a bottle of what looks like either Catalina or Red French dressing.



I read that on Little House On The Prairie they ate Dintey Moore Beef Stew in eating scenes. I think this was in Melissa Gilbert's book.


They were mostly pots of water. I've never heard it reported if the stove on the Brady kitchen set was electrified.



I remember reading that the kitchen set was non-functional. The only thing that had electricity running to it was the light in the fridge.



I think even to this day (though I dont watch much tv) that is the only time I have ever seen a working fridge.


The strawberry preserve scene did not even have any steam coming out of the pot.


Still chuckle at the scene in the second movie with Alice walking into the fridge.


I know that was funny and also how Alice only made meatloaf for dinner all of the time.


meatloaf is surprisingly cheap, believe it or not. we were not poor growing up but we did not like spending a lot on food... so often we had meatloaf and spaghetti and meatballs -- with home made marinara. also baked ziti.

it is amazing how far 5 dollars would go when you stretched it back then.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


I wonder if the Bradys got meat at a discount because of Alice's personal relationship with Sam the butcher.


I think so. I think Carol mentioned something to Mike about it when he was complaining about the phone bill when Sam called to talk to Alice.....I don't remember if it was the selection or the price.


There have been a couple of times when Alice is shown stirring a pot, and steam is coming out. One is the season 1 episode where she is comtemplating quitting now that there was a new Mrs. Brady on board. I believe there is also steam when she is making "Grandma's secret recipe" to help Carol get her voice back in time for Christmas. Coincidentally, both season 1 episodes, so maybe they stopped after that (too expensive to have a working kitchen, maybe?).

The strawberry preserve scene did not even have any steam coming out of the pot.

Robert Reed had a big problem with that scene. Mike's line is, "It smells like strawberry heaven in here." He complained to Schwartz that strawberries don't have a smell/odor, the line was ridiculous, blah, blah. Schwartz told him he was making way too big of a deal about it and to just say the line.


as much as I loved Robert reed, he was just being too much of an anal, whiny child whenever he opened his mouth about the lines.

and to be honest... strawberries smell when you cook them -- especially with sugar. they even smell when you are picking them. they don't have a deep smell, but they do have a scent.

anyone remember the strawberry shortcake toy line? especially the strawberry scented shampoo. so if strawberries don't smell... how did they get the scent real?

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


I remember the Strawberry Shortcake toys. I had those dolls when I was a little girl. Loved them. Collected the little plastic figurines too.


I believe there is also steam when she is making "Grandma's secret recipe" to help Carol get her voice back in time for Christmas.

Definitely in that one, because Greg opens the pot and has this pleased, anticipatory look on his face until he smells what's in the pot. Then he makes this absolutely disgusted face and says, "I think I'm going on a diet". Barry Williams is great in that scene.


I really like it when you would see Alice and Carol with groceries come home home with only two shopping bags. Like that's enough food for nine people. Lol!


Especially when you consider that the grocery shopping was involved enough that Alice was shown taking inventory to determine what to put on the shopping list. Watching that as a kid, I thought damn those kids are spoiled that someone is making sure they don't run out of cookies.


And in the episode "The Big Sprain", when Mike goes to Sam's Butcher Shop and only gets 8 Lamb Chops. So each person would only get one Lamb Chop each. Even if Cindy's bowl of salad didn't fall on the floor, everyone still would have been hungry.


Having no food in the pot would explain why the kitchen always looked spotless.


In the pork chops and applesauce scene, you can see Carol turning pork chops in a pan and Alice handling lettuce.


I also noticed there were times when Alice had a coffee can and there was tape around the can to hide whatever brand it is.


They should have used a 70s no frills logo. Please click on


It was disgusting with when Bobby was taking pictures and she rubbed her hand in her hair and went back to touching the food...
