MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > 1972 "Fright Night" Episode

1972 "Fright Night" Episode

This was probably my favorite episode of the series. I loved the Halloween aspect of the kids trying to turn the Brady house into a haunted house. As a little kid, the voice coming from the trunk in the attic truly scared me. Even to this day it sounds kind of creepy: "I must have air...I must rise and walk the night."


I also liked the way Marcia, etc.. scared the boys and their failed attempt at scaring Alice with Mike & Carol walking in.



I still wish they scared Alice


I LOVED that episode as a kid, still do, but my how I miss Nick @ Nite's Halloween marathons. Firs it'd be Fright Night, then the Halloween episode of Happy Days, then the RAMSDALL HAIRY THING! episode of Laverne and Shirley, the haunted cabin episode of Dick Van Dyke, then Bewitched, the 2 parter of The Jeffersons with the killer rabbit, those were the days.


I liked the episode fine but I had a problem with how LAME AND FAKE the stairs ghost was.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


the stair ghost was pretty lame. The ghost that the girls created to scare the boys in this attic was pretty good. Especially that ghostly voice coming from the trunk. "Let me out...I need air..i must rise and walk the night." As a 4 year old kid watching this, it truly scared me.


The attic ghost was kinda lame too -- it was also ridiculous that the boys were scared by it, considering that they should've known the girls were gonna try to scare them in the attic, and they should've recognized what was clearly Marcia's voice in the truck.

Also, season 4 was kinda late for an episode like this, considering that the kids were old enough to not fall for ghost pranks. This would've been better as a season 1 episode.

But, the episode was enjoyable otherwise.


It was so obviously Marcia's voice! And kids that old shouldn't have been scared, although Greg was able to figure it out.

I'm guessing this plot was on the shelf from an earlier season and they used it too late, just like Cindy's Shirley Temple episode.


Nah, I think this was a well done episode. I like how they scared the crap out of each other. The Ufo episode was more like the Shirley Temple episode.



My favorite line of that episode:

Carol: if you carry a joke too far, somebody could get hurt
Peter: we never knew it would be Dad's head

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


This is one of my all time fave episodes.


Mine too!


Poor Mike's head. This episode and the earlier one where the kids haunt their house with those scary sounds are must views on Halloween!


Halloween was my favorite thing as a kid. This episode was the closest they got to it. It STILL doesn't matter how fake things look...I love it.


Halloween was my friend's favorite holiday (and my 2nd favorite). This episode reminds me when we'd haul out his Halloween decorations and make his basement up to be 'haunted' in hopes of scaring his older sister. Sadly, his sister and her friends always got us better by hiding in the basement and jumping out on us.

But it was still a fun time.


Cue the inhuman moan.

Greg: "That's just Tiger howling at the moon."

Yeah, right!


Bmeister did a spoof on this episode, "A Very Brady Horror Night"


Think Eve Plumb made a dialogue gaffe - she said when seeing the ghost in the slide photo, "that's our ghost, Peter with a sheet," how'd Jan know it was Peter?

And the ghost on trees was moving, slides are motionless pictures.


And the ghost on trees was moving, slides are motionless pictures.

That one bugged me too, but I didn't know anything about slides, we never had any or a projector.


Or how about the girls sneaking into the boys room? They didn't have any right to do that.


I noticed Jan didn't wear her glasses for most of this episode.
