MovieChat Forums > The Brady Bunch (1969) Discussion > Worse looking Bardy kids (excluding Oliv...

Worse looking Bardy kids (excluding Oliver) as grown ups

Worse to best at this point in time, hana

1. Bobby
2. Cindy
3. Greg
4. Eve
5. Peter
6. Marcia


Cindy is the youngest so she should look better, lol.


I think the OP means as grown up peoples, hana

The two youngest in the series, are now the roughest looking ones


I did mean how they look as adults. Cindy looks better than Jan and Marcia as an adult, but she's rated the second worst.


Good God, get a pair of glasses!!!!
You have JAN listed as 4? She's the ugliest woman I've seen since Ralph Monroe. My dog's butt looks better than she does, as a matter of fact ALICE looks better than she does and she's been dead a few years.
At least Marcia gets a chance on DWTS, Jan couldn't get a gig on , "Worlds Ugliest Dogs".

BTW Who the heck is the bardy kids? You mean Billy Bardy's kids?

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


Jan was never a good achiever.

I always hold Marcia as best.

How about best looking one, again of the six original, in 1973 (the final season)?

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


It's a tie for me between Greg and Peter. Haven't seen either of them in a while.

The easiest thing i have ever had to do was give my heart.


Susan, if you haven't had a chance, read Greg's book, "Growing up Brady, I was a Teenage Greg.". It's Barry Williams' account of the rise and fall of the Brady Bunch. Just a side note, Greg embraced his BB heritage, whereas most of the other kids tried to distance themselves from it.


Did you see Greg (Barry Wiliams) on Wife Swap? He embraced it all tight. He seems to think he is Elvis Presley.



Susan (cindy)
Eve (Jan)
Maureen (Marcia)
Michael (Bobby)
Christopher (Peter)
Barry (Greg)


From the current worst looking to best looking:

1. Bobby - How does a practicing Mormon end up looking like a meth addict?
2. Cindy - Don't know what happened to Susan but she is definitely looking ridden hard and put up wet.
3. Jan - Eve looks like Hillary Clinton and that's not a good thing.
4. Greg - Not terrible, but he is definitely showing his age. His looks could be improved by keeping his hair shorter, I think.
5. Marcia - She still looks pretty darn good. I'm glad she has aged gracefully and isn't all botoxed up.
6. Peter - I think Chris stopped aging about 15 years ago. Still looks great.


Chris Knight has been appearing as a client on one of those Hair Club commercials. Apparently he needed help with his hair.


i interviewed bobby and cindy at a comic con and yes they both look rough but they were very nice.


