Halloween Brady Viewing

For Halloween, I think I'm going to watch "To Move or Not to Move" and "Fright Night"!


Even though the slumber party is not specifically Halloween themed, the monster masks that the boys wear to scare Marcia's friends make me think of Halloweens of the past.


Oooh...good call. I'm adding that to my list!


Also, the episode where Marcia's nose gets smashed by a football.


MeTV aired "Fright Night" yesterday for Halloween. Talk about classic 70s cheese at it's finest! I especially liked the screams Cindy did for Peter's tape-recorder. When he played them as his parents came home her screams were so over-the-top she sounded like she was getting tortured to death!


Yeah, the slumber party one had a definite Halloween feel to it. I wish they had done more episodes like Fright Night and To Move Or Not To Move...they were some of the better ones of the whole series.

God created the domestic cat so that humans could know what it's like to caress the tiger
