Annoying Carol moments

Aside from her making fun of the kids often, she annoys me on the one where Jan came home from getting her glasses and she could not let Mike admire them for 2 seconds before she needs to show him those stupid towels.


Just the way she would frequently moan to her husband, "Oh, Moy-ick!" Marcia inherited this from her in the episode in which she talked about "Senior Banquet

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Yes, and when Greg had that crush on the teacher, taking his temp 100 times and then at the end when she went up again to check on him and he talks (at the end) about a substitute teacher, she screamed Miiiike like Greg was dying.


The entire Tank Gates/Twinkles episode. She's completely obnoxious there, and Florence's latter-season tendency to ham it up is at its worst.


This is the first episode that came to mind! So annoying!

"She's right here!!" "Hiiiiiii Tank!"



that stupid assed mullet-ear covering hairdo. srsly. what were they thinking???

and I agree with the M-eye-k-eye... way she would whine his name.

basically the only thing she did was drive alice to the store for groceries and roll socks.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Carol was so obnoxious as "Twinkles" that she deserved getting drop-kicked by Tank Gates.


and hand out the kid's lunches




And that needlepoint. It always annoyed me that she could not put it down long enough to actually talk to the kids. I think one of the other things that annoyed me the most is when Greg "wanted" to become an architect (he didn't really but the parents did not know that) and obviously he did not have the skills, but she did not want to encourage him because his first one was horrible? Seriously....I never understood how she expected him to be perfect at this from the very first drawing. Yes, he should have some drawing skills, but he would not graduate high school and then start doing buildings. He would gain these skills in college. He would then know if he could do these skills. At least encourage him.


Then there was her bronze bust of Mike. She was a little too involved with that.


That scene with Alice smashing the bust and Carol's reaction always gave me a chuckle.


When Greg called Bobby a stinker and she looks as if she's ready to ground him for a month. He says it again and she looks like she's on the verge of calling the police.


How she overall teases Mike and he takes it, but when she says "women are entitled to anything men have" and Mike replies with "What about beards" she cries.

Are you kidding me?


That is a classic PMS type of overreaction.

I have had them many a time, LOL. 😢

In Carol's defense she blasted the two heads of the "sunshine spreading" "cold shoulder" squad to smithereens. That was my FAVORITE Carol Brady moment. 😀


she says "women are entitled to anything men have"

Mike replies with "What about beards"

sad part, for some women genetics agrees with this.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


She also wears some really ugly shoes.


She went from season one being this mythical angel of light to a really annoying shrill by season five.

But the seasons in between she was fine.


Having her purse match her belt - eyes roll - and the hip py jeans when teaching the boys baseball - she must have seen how she looked and went anorexic because by the 5th season she is gaunt
