Top Ten beatles Songs

1. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts club Band
2. Hey Jude
3. Tomorrow Never Knows
4. Let it Be
5. Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds
6. Eleanor Rigby
7. A Day in the Life
8. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
9. Helter Skelter
10. A Hard Days Night


Man your killin me, lol how can you narrow it down to 10

OK here's a go at it

1. In My Life
2. I Am The Walrus
3. Strawberry Fields
4. Something
5. Across The Universe
6. Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds
7. I'm Only Sleeping
8. Tomorrow Never Knows
9. Within You Without You
10. Please Please Me


1. I Want You (She's So Heavy).
2. Across The Universe.
3. All You Need Is Love.
4. Eleanor Rigby.
5. I Want To Hold Your Hand.
6. Hold Me Tight.
7. It Won't Be Long.
8. Day Tripper.
9. Girl.
10. Sie Liebt Dich.

Whatever doesn't kill you.. is gonna leave a scar! Leave a scar. -Marilyn Manson:High End Of Low.


in no particular order:

01. I Want to Hold Your Hand
02. Hey Jude
03. Here,There and Everywhere
04. Rain
05. Tell Me Why
06. Strawberry Fields Forever
07. Something
08. I'm Down
09. She Loves You
10. Love You To
