Song on VHS not on DVD?


It's been a while since I viewed my VHS copy (from circa 1988) of Yellow Submarine, but when I veiwed my DVD copy a couple years ago, it seemed something was missing.

I recall there being some rather exciting score music going on during the scene where the Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is attacking the Blue Meanies (et. al) - lots of horns, and that sort of thing.

Perhaps someone here could verify whether I'm mistaken. I'd say the part of the movie I'm talking about is within five to ten minutes of the end; fifteen at the most. I'd check myself, but my VHS player is currently out of commission, and I don't have the $$ to go pick up another one right now just for the sake of checking this out.

Thanks...and I love this movie!

The Winkler


I don't have a copy to refer to, but I know the part you're talking about. I can't imagine it being deleted from the DVD. It was scored, not licensed, so it can't be a matter of the license expiring. Unless the scorer had an expiration written into his contract. When lawyers get ahold of movies, anything can happen.


Maybe This isn't what you mean but some USA copies of the movie are missing the "Hey Bulldog" sequence (which for whatever reason was left off the USA cinema prints).

The "Hey Bulldog" sequence is on my old USA laserdisk and remastered British VHS copy (released at the same time as the now deleted DVD).

"I think you're a load of old crap too, Mr Mulligan."


my dvd is fine and its not deleted in uk, just buy region 2 if your from u.s

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."



Sorry for the delayed reply, but I just saw your post. Yes! The music I'm referring to is the bit that plays right after they let SPLHCB out of the "blue glass" and Paul says, "Beatles to battle!" and the Blue Meanies start retreating - a lot of horns and such - right before they cut to Ringo and Jeremy.

I'm still trying to locate my US/VHS version that I got in '88 or '89. I'll be so sad if I lost it. :(


The Winkler


yeah i think the bit ur referring to is hey bulldog. there's a horn of some kind just b4 it, Paul yells "bealtles to battle" and ringo yells "charge" then one of them has some dialogue either about or with a pianola (anything's possible) which leads into "hey bulldog" which was missing from the US releases for some reason, rather sad though i love hey bulldog, especially in the film, it's so fun for lack of better words, the whole movie is.


Interstingly the version the BBC used to show has that youtube scene almost to the end, and Hey Bulldog as well. I used to have a copy taped of TV, and was most suprised by the change in Baby Your a Rich Man, and the battle when I first saw the DVD.
