It's being remade apparently by Robert Zemeckis and Disney.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!


The most redundant remake ever. How pathetic.


I'm sure they could go in other directions, but I'm wondering how closely it will follow the original. I grew up with this film as a kid, so seeing it redone with 3D and Pixar-esque graphics is kind of exciting. The old animation cells are kind of grungy looking, and really flat. If it looks like Beowulf or Polar Express, I think it's going to be awesome. I'm wondering how photo-realistic they will make John, Paul, George and Ringo look. And what will the Blue Meanies look like? Or the Glove?

I wonder if Zemeckis got the idea from seeing the new Beatles Rockband game. Its art direction certainly reminded me of Yellow Submarine.


i would so love to see this film as it is except in 3D. there are so many things in this movie that would come straight out at u, like the arrow bombs or the train coming out of the door in the hall of doors, or even almost put u inside the big blue glass ball. the sea of holes would b awsome or the father time bubbles. so much oppertunity.

then again it'd b interesting to see if they could come up with something to remotely follow this mad mad film.

as with the majority of ppl here though, the parties involved is rather baffeling as to ... why them























Where did you read that, Daytripper? The soundtrack for the new movie will be recorded by The Fab Four, a Beatles tribute group.



I suggest you read this page. zemeckis-3d-performance-capture-cary-elwes.html





---"The Fab Four are THE BEATLES"---

there is actually a tribute band called The Fab Four, they did a theatrical stage show through aus (or at least melbourne, i'm not sure about other cities or countries) with Red Simons (skyhooks, hey hey) as narrator


There are in fact more than one tribute band called "The Fab Four", one of which as has been reported is going to be used for motion capture for the film. The report can hardly be refering to the originals concidering 2 of them are dead. That said the same report also clearly states that the original recordings are being used.




I've liked the things that Zemeckis has done over the recent years with 3D Capture animation, in terms of revolutionizing this type of animation. But in this case, the remake decision of a classic is completely unnecessary. I have nothing against a new story if a new Beatles animated movie were made. But, I mean come on, remaking the "Yellow Submarine" would be completely stupid in my opinion. This movie left a mark in animation history when it first came out with it's strange way of animation and storytelling through The Beatles music. And we remember this film even to this very day. If this new film, by any chance, get's good reviews, this version will be forgotten and they would only like to watch the Zemeckis version of the story. I just can't understand why is it so hard for scriptwriters today to write a good script, instead they just decide to remake things, because the scriptwriters of today are not capable of writing anything good.
I would end my post with this quote:
Don't fix something that isn't broken." - Simple as that...


Why doesnt he just remake hard days night with the jonas brothers! why cant anyone in hollywood have an unique idea for a change.


Hollywood = Unoriginality. I'm curious, are they making a new 3D animated version from scratch with rerecorded songs & new dialog, or simply adding new animation over the existing movie?

- Frank
"We are one big happy fleet!" - KN Singh



I'm in two minds about it. on the one hand I'd like to see it done as it could be great to see Pepperland and all it's strange creatures in cgi but on the other hand maybe a sequel would be better.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!


A sequel is almost as bad of an idea to me. Without all of the original Beatles that's a pathetic idea. The remaining two Beatles should sue the hell out of Zemeckis.

Whatever doesn't kill you.. is gonna leave a scar! Leave a scar. -Marilyn Manson:High End Of Low.



This is what the New York Daily News reported:

Disney and director Robert Zemeckis are working on a deal to remake the Beatles' 1968 animated film---this time in 3D.Negotations are underway that would give the director access to 16 Beatles songs for the new flick.It's set to open in time for the 2012 Summer Olympics,which will take place in London.

doesnt it sound like he's totally making a new movie, like with a new story and all?


I for one, am looking forward to it.
Big effin deal, people. Chill the eff out for Pete's sake.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you"


As soon as the word remake is mentioned they go off the deep end. some remakes are complete crap yes [House of Wax] but others like the 2005 King Kong are great. Yellow Submarine could be 10 times more surreal in cgi and i love the original film.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!


I hope what they do is just re shoot the original in 3D (like Nightmare Before Christms), and keep the original soundtrack.


You realize that none of the Beatles actually voiced themselves in entire film, right? They were sound-alikes...they decided not to be involved until after the film was completed, when they decided to put in a live appearance at the end of the film.



That's exactly the point. "Yellow Submarine" wasn't SUPPOSED to be a realistic movie. It was supposed to be a trippy, quirky movie. Making it "realistic" goes against the point.

There's a reason why Disney fans were so thrilled to hear John Lasseter order the doing away of direct-to-DVD sequels and the making of more 2D traditional movies - they wanted movies like from the Renaissance, pretty and with a good storyline (not concentrating on some new technology). There are some times when traditional animation is just better.


You both are absolutely right. DayTripper and fosthoff,

There should be more 2D animated films and NOT rely soooooo much on 3D and computer animation all the time! There's nothing wrong with good ole' fashioned handdrawing, cartoon-like animation.




This is an absolutely abysmal concept and I hope the project gets dropped. There's no reason to remake this film. Hollywood (and Disney especially) is all out of ideas!

"What are they like, your children?"
They're like children. Exactly like children."


This is an absolutely abysmal concept and I hope the project gets dropped. There's no reason to remake this film. Hollywood (and Disney especially) is all out of ideas!

There's some crap coming out of Hollywood true but not all remakes are crap and this might be good, so change the stuck record.

Journey To The Centre of the Earth 3D is a complete insult to Jules Verne!


There's some crap coming out of Hollywood true but not all remakes are crap and this might be good, so change the stuck record.
And precisely when did I say "All remakes are crap"? My favorite film, 1941's The Maltese Falcon, is a remake of a remake, so of course I'm not stubborn enough to say "all remakes are crap." I said there is no need to remake this film. And there isn't. Most Beatles fans appear to be perfectly content with the original, and non-Beatles fans won't care about the new version anymore than they cared about the original. Zemeckis is only setting himself up for a (very expensive) bomb.

Also, I am hardly a "stuck record" because my previous post was the first time I'd written anything on this board in months. If you're upset that numerous different people here are posting their opinions, (most of which are against the remake), there's nothing I can do about that; sorry.

"What are they like, your children?"
"They're like children. Exactly like children."



I have lost all respect for Robert Zemeckis...REMAKE THE BEATLES' YELLOW SUBMARINE?! What on earth will Hollywood have the temerity to tarnish next...Citizen Kane?...Monty Python's Life of Brian?...Pulp Fiction?...THE ORIGINAL STAR WARS TRILOGY?! I'm not a religious man but I'm praying on behalf of The Fab Four and Apple Corp. that Zemeckis & Disney are REPEATEDLY RAPED BY A VICIOUS FLEET OF PINEAPPLES!!! ARRGGHH!!! >:(





AWFUL news. Are Paul and Ringo involved in any way?

Also to add even more bad news, Zemeckis is making Roger Rabbit 2 with this motion capture/3D stuff, which has been very hit or miss, especially at the box office. A Christmas Carol looks pretty bad.

I think Walt would be really upset with the state of Disney right now. Jonas Brothers and Hanah Montana being the face of the company and NOT Mickey though Mickey is getting a new makeover, personality, voice etc to appeal to today's auidence including a new video game where he's an cranky action hero like Sonic The Hedgehog. Oh joy!



I know, right? Disney seemed to really be losing it lately!

It's really sickening that Hannah Montana and the Jonas Bros. are the face of Disney instead of Mickey as he should be. I watch his old cartoons over any of those shows ANYDAY!

Another thing, forgive me this is kinda off topic, Disney did something REALLY crazy and shocking! Back in August had bought Marvel Comics/Entertainment and as a comic book fan, I felt like I'd been dropped into the Twilight Zone.
And it costed $4 BILLION!!!!!!!!!! First thought was,"OMG. Am I dreaming?" Second thought was, "How can this be? What does it all mean? Mickey and Spider-Man...TOGEHTER?! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" Then, "Disney is REALLY asking for trouble! They're gonna make me get out my pitchfork and shickabob Mickey!" Plus, it seems a bit suspicious on why they did that. It seems that deep down, they probably know they lots a lot of quality in their work and decide to buy something that a HUGE with adults and kids to make it up. All I know is, they better NOT screw up Marvel. Sorry about my ranting. Lol!

But, the point I'm trying to make is that Disney's quality is half way down the drain and they gotta stop taking over other things and call them their own.

Walt would be VERY upset and angry! I wish he give the CEOs and Robert Z. a good talking to.


There's something ironic about the "DISNEY" Company being behind this movie.
Making "Yellow Submarine" in 1968 they did everything they could not to copy or reference Disney in any way creating the film.

So would Paul and Ringo be doing their own voices in this one or have sound a-likes like in the 60's movie?


Disney has won back some of my love with John Lasseter saying "No more direct-to-DVD sequels and more 2D animation". Because, believe it, there ARE people who enjoy 2D animation with a good plot and all. The Princess and the Frog enjoyed a good release for a reason.

I'm just wondering why they can't go and make a Beatles movie of their own. Get the rights to some new songs and make up a different plot. You know, do something creative! (What a thought!)


Exactly my point, fosthoff! Exactly! They need to be more original than to going back to someone else classical idea of this movie! Disney should do a SEQUAL instead of a doggone REMAKE for crying out loud! They should do something like have The Beatles continue to stop 'evil' in another land similar to Pepperland, except with something different happening, and make it to where people today can really enjoy it. If I have to, I'll send a script to them.

And John Lasseter is AWESOME! The movies at Pixar, under his belt, are great and 2D animation is STILL popular! 'The Princess and The Frog' is WONDERFUL and it marks another new era in 2D animation!


I'm curious as to how it could be updated to be effective today. The 60's were, well, the 60's and few people can relate if they weren't there. I guess if they make it a mind blowing, visual/musical treat with wit to match they will have done a good job.



Chillax! Relax and Chill together! Lol! I love that!

