MovieChat Forums > Yellow Submarine (1968) Discussion > Just watched this for the first time and...

Just watched this for the first time and...

Like a few other things from the 60s, I got the feeling that I missed a thing or two, because I've never done drugs.
Does it make a difference?

"Speak softly and carry a sakabatou."



I don't do drugs, but in spite of this being a trite saying, you really had to be there to know what it was all about. The 60's WERE psychadelic whether you were on drugs or not. There were so many changes in culture happening all at once. You couldn't help but be carried along with the current.


Dear friend,

In case you haven't noticed, the entire Baby Boomer generation has spent the last 40 some odd years taking about the 60's, and where they were, and how we won't understand because they weren't. They've done it through just about every single medium known to mankind, including books, movies, TV shows, T-shirts, coloring books, trading cards, video games, lampshades, neckties, and personal underarm deodorant. So please, don't encourage them.


It's great without drugs. Even better with them


I've never done drugs, and I don't feel like I missed anything in Yellow Submarine.

OK, I lied, I've done drugs. But not a lot.

OK, I lied again, I've done a lot of drugs. Like, a WHOLE lot. But not while watching Yellow Submarine.

OK, I can't stop lying for some reason. I do a lot of drugs and watch Yellow Submarine every day. I'm sorry. I'm going to go now...


I lied, I'm still here.


Good one, Druff. I thought I did drugs. But the goobermint tells me if I had I wouldn't remember it. So I must be wrong because the goobermint wouldn't lie.

If you want to get into a neverending argument about drugs and cartoons, stop by the Alice in Wonderland board. Some there swear Walt Disney was a junkie.

If you want a story that's REALLY about drugs but doesn't look like it on the surface, read the unabridged version of Pied Piper. Believe it or not, ABC ran a cartoon of the unabridged version on Saturday morning in the mid 80s. What's in those muffins is ergot from rye mold. Ergotamine is what LSD was designed to synthesize.


I've never done drugs, I wasn't alive in the sixties, and I loved this movie.
