Bearded man!?!?

Can anyone please help me? I've spent a buncha time on google and other site trying to figure this out. What I want to know is: Who is the bearded man in the bowler hat in the bubble during the first "All Together Now"? i can find other people asking, but no answers


father time


I think the OP means who the person is, it is almost certainly a photo.


in that case i don't know


Neither do I.


From the book "Inside the Yellow Submarine" by Robert Hieronimus, which I just got today and is full of fun tidbits like these:

Heinz Edelmann, art director: "He's a Scottish animator who came to the film fairly late, but he had that beard which at that time was quite unusual. Charlie Jenkins again did that sequence and he just took his photograph. These are all pre-computer day optical effects."

Charlie Jenkins, director of special effects: "A Scottish painter, by the name of Ian Cowan. He was a background artist. He was one of Scotland's finest watercolor artists. He worked on lots and lots of water coloring work from Heinz Edelmann. Excellent watercolor man."

I've been wondering this myself for about 20 years, so here you go!


Wow thanks! The internets thank you too; I couldn't find this ANYWHERE when i posted?


I had always wondered that myself!

happipuppi13 *arf,man!*!
