MovieChat Forums > Yellow Submarine (1968) Discussion > Who else is unable to watch this?

Who else is unable to watch this?

I know I am. It's one of two things that genuinely scare me in the world of movies. I think it has to do with seeing it for the first time as a kid in a black and white TV. Now that I come to think of it, this movie is really scary in black and white...

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


Not as scary as how ya write -
"Who else IN unable to watch this?" indeed!

"It's beyond the BEYOND!" - Pete Townshend


parts of it were rather disturbing, but i haven't seen the black n white version

PIZZA'S NOT FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!- Sam, Whitest Kids U' Know


parts of it were rather disturbing, but i haven't seen the black n white version

Think McFly Think! It's not rocket science - just turn the color off on your tv and watch it.

"I've Got The Answers To The Tangled Knot, Sleep Tight In Your Cot"


Not as scary as how ya write -
"Who else IN unable to watch this?" indeed!

Wow, so I wrote "In" instead of "Is". Shoot me.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


Wow, so I wrote "In" instead of "Is". Shoot me.



Happy now??

Learn to check yer spelling BEFORE posting -
this way, ya won't get comments like mine.

Thank you.

"It's beyond the beyond!" - Pete Townshend


alright, whomanjim, we're not all english teachers. it's not important if we have wrong spelling or grammar, then it's not that big a deal.

PIZZA'S NOT FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!- Sam, Whitest Kids U' Know



1. My comment wasn't directed towards you.

2. "it's not important if we have wrong spelling or grammar, then it's not that big a deal."

Mmmmmm...... maybe it's not that important. HOWEVER, it seems yer in dire need of an English teacher, yerself, to teach ya how to write a sentence that MAKES SENSE!


3. Sooooo...... you and Serra think that Yellow Submarine is a "disturbing" movie??
Jeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz..... I shutter to think how Disney's Bambi, and/or Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory affected you both as well.....

ON THE OTHER HAND...... Here's a thought.....

Perhaps Serra's confusing Yellow Submarine with Magical Mystery Tour (which DEFINATELY HAS it's disturbing moments)???!!!!!


"It's beyond the beyond!" - Pete Townshend


1 - Believe me, I'm not confusing those two movies - one of them is animated, the other isn't and I know them well.

2 - Bambi and Willy Wonka? Not quite, I just don't like this one.

3 - Cool it.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


1. I know your comment wasn't directed to me.

2. I'm not writing an english paper. I'm discussing movies and t.v. shows with other people.

3. I don't think it's disturbing. I said that it was a little different but i liked it.

PIZZA'S NOT FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!- Sam, Whitest Kids U' Know


Serra writes:

"1 - Believe me, I'm not confusing those two movies - one of them is animated, the other isn't and I know them well."

Really? Then good for you then.

"2 - Bambi and Willy Wonka? Not quite..."

Well, everybody's entitled to their own opinions.
Of course, there's also that famous saying about opinions, as well.....

"3 - Cool it."

I have a better idea - why don't YOU heed yer own advice?

Ok, while ya posted a perfectly legitimate question here
(and for the record, I would've excused the original misspelled word that I now see you've corrected), the problem lies with what ya wrote afterwards, ESPECIALLY the last line:

"It's one of two things that genuinely scare me in the world of movies. I think it has to do with seeing it for the first time as a kid in a black and white TV. Now that I come to think of it, this movie is really scary in black and white..."

In other words, a good question followed by AN ATTEMPT AT BEING A SMARTA$$, Ho Ho Ho!
(Hence the reason why I changed my mind & decided to do a sarcastic reply on yer spelling.
Which, in turn, made you respond with another smarta$$ retort.... etc, etc.)

Which brings us back to the point:
Face it Serra - while yer willing to dish out the BULLSH*T, it's OBVIOUS yer NOT willing to take yer lumps when it gets dished RIGHT BACK AT YA!
So, as far as I'm concerned, if there's anyone who needs to "COOL IT", let alone GROW UP, yer the perfect candidate.

JCannon3563 writes:

"1. I know your comment wasn't directed to me."

Yet you chose to get involved, instead of minding yer own business.

"2. I'm discussing movies and t.v. shows with other people."

You WERE doing that with yer first response.
THEN ya changed tact and, AGAIN, got involved.

"3. I don't think it's disturbing. I said that it was a little different but i liked it."

SPEAKING OF THAT FIRST RESPONSE, how do ya explain this:

"parts of it were rather disturbing, but i haven't seen the black n white version"

Mmmmmm...... I don't see the word "different" ANYWHERE in this quote of yours.
Perhaps this was yer attempt at trying to "save face"??
I hate to break the news to ya, "Sherlock", but ya just made yerself look PRETTY BAD!
Therefore, I hearby nominate ya for this year's "Foot In Mouth" award - yer well deserving of it, so congrats. ;-)~

"It's beyond the beyond!" - Pete Townshend


get laid man.


ha, I agree.

the internetz iz serious bizness, yallll


I would just like to point out that "yer" is actually spelt "your", "yerself" is actually spelt "yourself", "DEFINATELY" is spelt definitely and did you mean that you "shudder" to think, not "shutter"? Seriously, mate, when you start is silly argument on a friendly post, at least make sure that you aren't being hypocritical.

And I found the movie fantastic, by the way.


Wow, what a stupid jerk you are.
We are not all english speakers, but let me tell you something, the word DEFINATELY doesn't exist in your language, you moron.
The right word is spelled DEFINITELY.



Whomanjim is a complete butthole. Taking a typo and using it to beat someone over the head. People like this make my skin crawl. This person has the chutzpah to attack someone for typing "is" instead of "in," which is clearly a typo but then misspells the word definitely, which is just a sign of stupidity. Wow.



why not? It hass bread which is part of the bread and cereal foodgroup. And cereal is for breakfast.

It has olives which are part of the fruit and vegetables foodgroup. So there's your fruit in your cereal.

It has cheese which is part of the dairy foodgroup. Cheese and butter are both made from milk. So there's your milk.

It has sausage, which is part of the meat foodgroup, so there's your breakfast sausage.

So it contains all of the necessary foodgroups.

So I say it's part of a healthy nutritious breakfast.



Yellow Submarine, though it has a few decent musical numbers, is a gawd-awful movie....and I'm a nearly 50-yr-old life-long Beatles fanatic.

A terrible film with horrid animated movement and even worse character "art".



That doesn't mean it doesn't have to be of good quality....which it is not.



They could remix, recolor, and reshoot the's still an awful film, and, by far, the worst Beatles film (solo and together!).


What a *senseless* waste of human life.
-John Cleese, Cheese Shop Sketch



i'm not gonna pick on ur spelling here (cos i know what mine's like), actually i guess i am, but in a different way, and not to b nasty about it.

i just had 2 point out though, i had a little chuckle when i saw u were watching it IN a black and white tv. sorry but i got a mental image of a kids head hanging out of a broken tv with the glove flying around and nowhere man dancing on the arial. just an amusing typo

mate i guess u were just thinking about the word in a lot.

and personally i think it would b scary in black and white, not cos it's scary on it's own, but cos it wouldn't make sence. it'd b hard to distinguish nowhere man from the blue meanies, the fact that the blue meanies would b grey meanies, it'd b a grey submarine and the attack of the arrow bombs on pepperland or the "freeing" of pepperland would b less noticeable cos in colour they go from colour to blue/grey and vice versa when being hit/saved. actually more confusing than scary.


I remember watching it when I was 8 & I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

I'm also sure that I didn't take in any part of the story at all.

"Happiness is good health - and a bad memory"
- Ingrid Bergman



I just wanna say that you are an idiot.


Hey dude. I got a tip for you. Get laid.

The fuss you made just because I type fast and wrote "in" instead of "is" and didn't notice is beyond ridiculous. And meanwhile you turned a simple debate among civilized people into some kind of vent for your frustrations. You're telling me to cool it? I'm not the one using capital letters.

I know, I know, do not feed the animals. You know what everyone here thinks of your kind of attitude, but you know you gotta fight. Maybe you're convinced that everyone else is wrong and you are right, maybe you think of yourself as some kind of champion of the truth. I've got news for you: you're just the as ordinary as everyone else.

Oh, end guesse wat, the vakancies phor the TRoll spot are all tayken by the peeple on my ignore list.

Thanks for being a loser and making everyone else feel better about themselves.
You're a true role model.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


As for you "Laff24" (and believe me, I got a great chuckle outta yer last post):

1. Better to be "ordinary" than be a complete moron like yerself.

2. Like I REALLY GIVE 2 *beep* about yer "ignore list" - but it IS interesting ya mentioned that. What - can't handle criticism from other sensible people towards a dolt like you??

3. Face it duuuude - when it comes to a perfect example at being "a true role model" in the "loser" sweepstakes, all ya need to do is go to yer nearest mirror & look straight into it.

And 4. I do very well in the "gettin' laid" dept., thank you very much - more so than ya ever will in yer pathetic lifetime. Remember: who was it that wrote this post (about Yellow Sub being the "scariest" film you've ever seen "in black & white") for the whole world to see?
Not yours-truly.
So, as far as "tips" go, here's one for ya in return: DON'T WRITE IDIOTIC STATEMENTS THAT MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE MORONIC LOSER!

P.S. - Yer "comment" on the "ignore list" has inspired me - yer now on mine ;-)~

"It's beyond the beyond!" - Pete Townshend


Hey danextgen, speak for yerself, dipsh*t.

"It's beyond the beyond!" - Pete Townshend


i found it tedious to sit through at times, mainly because i am not a huge fan of that type of animation. Also knowing it wasnt the guys doing the voices and, in fact, knowing they had no input into the scripting or making of it kind of put me off before i had even seen it.

having said that, i didn't hate it as much as i expected...

"You're Catcher Block! Ladies man, Man's man, Man about town!"


The thing is, I'm basically positive this movie was made for those who are under the influence of drugs. I've seen it both ways and when sober, it couldn't keep my attention and it was just incredibly weird, but when high, everything makes sense and it is very very funny. Not saying you should watch it high or do drugs or anything since I no longer do, but I wouldn't expect too much if you're not.

(**Let it be.**)


Stupidity rides again. Winners must always have the last word. Hey WhomanJim, thanks again for being such an idiot.

When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.


This movie isn't NEARLY as scary as the real life version of Alice in Wonderland, that one gives me serious nightmares.


whomanjim, i'm so glad you get laid so much ya liar virgin. gonna correct my spelling again, you freak a$$hole?! Go do something useful and get a life. It could prove good to you, God knows it works for EVERYONE ELSE!

mailboxes drip like lampposts in the twisted birth canal of the colosseum.


This movie displays a lot of the graphic art style and playfully hip humor that was "in" when it was made. Clearly inspired by the Beatles and their work. No drugs needed. Saw it when it came out at age 10 and it was good fun.
For a good time check out Beatles Illustrated Lyric books.


Does anyone have children who have seen and enjoyed (or not enjoyed) Yellow Submarine? I'm involved in a screening of this film in a village hall, and am a little anxious that it might seem too quaint or alien for a lot of today's kids, exposed as they are to the polish of Pixar and cgi. I haven't seen YS for many years, although I vaguely remember admiring it while feeling unengaged with events onscreen. But never scared.

No word from the nitwit Whomanjim recently. Perhaps he/she has enrolled in basic English classes and is spending all his/her time with Janet and John. Let's see if we can encourage more of his/her sorely-missed commentary (and find out how the spelling is coming along) by tossing out a little bait.


Whomajim or whatever your name is, please shut up.
The guy who made this thread didn't post a comment saying: 'this movies terrible, blah blah blah' and be ignorant about it. All he said was he found the movie disturbing - fair play, it's pretty psychadelic.
I do love the movie, but it's an oppinion. And correcting his spelling and grammar when you're constantly using 'ya' and 'yer' is a little bit hipocritical.


I agree, WhomanJim needs a nap.


Whomanjim = troll.


Let's face it, if there weren't people like Jim to put in their place, not nearly as many of us cynical discussers would hang around here so much.

Some parts of YS can get very psychedelic. But the movie isn't dark in any way, rather very light hearted and humorous, which balances out the psychedelia enough (at least for me) that I'm not as bothered by it.

I rather liked Baines. We shared the same bootmaker.


I could tell he was trolling from his first post, correcting grammer and spelling you with yer. He was trying from the first post to provoke the OP. You trolls shouldn't tip yourself off too early.

...and you will know my name is The Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee.



Yep same here im unable to watch this as its biggest pile of *beep* ever made, the Beatles trying to act all weird and eccentric and trying to be funny is soul destroying.


I watched this Movie for the first time a couple of days ago, this from someone who has been a Beatle fan since 1964. I've just never been a animated movie fan, but I found this movie all very bearable, in fact I watched it again for a second time with my youngest (23yr old). I think the movie represents exactly the era it was made in. I now know where Monty Python got a lot of it's ideas for their animation from.


Not me. I watch it regularly, and strange as it may sound, it's probably one of my favourite movies/cartoons.


It freaked my friend out pretty bad...but we were also tripping at the time. :o haha

