MovieChat Forums > Voyna i mir (1968) Discussion > whats the difference between the differe...

whats the difference between the different minute versions?

i wanted to buy this movie and i saw a 511, 403, and 411 minute versions. should i just buy the 411 version, or is there a noticable difference? sorry for not using caps, my keyboard is broke.


no question about it, buy the 511 min version. You are going to watch this movie for forever, so 100 min extra won't make much difference in terms of dragging. Besides, how can you not watch the whole masterpiece but only a cut version?


So why are there 2 Uk versions? One is 401 mins and one 511 mins (really 484 mins). What has been cut from the Video Version?


Quote from Wikipedia entry on War and Peace (1968):
"The longer running time of 511 minutes is a miscalculation based on longer length of 70 mm prints."


Be that as it may, I assume that there does exist quite a lot of additional footage not included in the 403-minute version previously released on DVD in Russia and now just released by Artificial Eye in the UK. Has a longer version ever been issued anywhere on DVD or any other home video format?


i wanted to buy this movie and i saw a 511, 403, and 411 minute versions. should i just buy the 411 version, or is there a noticable difference? sorry for not using caps, my keyboard is broke.

How can you type a question mark but not a capital letter? That is, unless you are apologizing because you wanted to write the whole post in all caps. lol


Maybe he just Copy and pasted the Question mark from someone elses post or something. Lol i dunno.


does it really matter how he managed it?lets be honest
