MovieChat Forums > Targets (1968) Discussion > Just saw this for the first time...........

Just saw this for the first time................

And man what a film. Loved it. Karloff was awesome as always. I had heard about this film awhile ago and found a private seller on Amazon so I bought it thinking hell Karloff is in it so it can't be all that bad. Man it went way past my expectations. I'm not a huge Bogdonavich (sorry if I spelled it wrong) but he did a fine job for the low budget he had to make it and the short time he had to film Karloff's scenes. Two days I think it was. The story Karloff tells to the group of people around him about the appointment with death to me was the part that made this film great. Just the way he told the story. Man that is just pure Karloff. May not be my all time favorite Karloff film but top 5 for me easy. I gave it 9 out of 10 stars on the IMDB scale.


I just saw it for the first time on I did not know they made a movie like this in the 60's, but more importantly I thought it was just crazy how closely it mirrored a lot of events in the pat 10 years. I could not help but wonder if the Beltway sniper attacks and the Colorado movie theatre massacre might have been inspired or was a copy-cat of sorts from this movie character. It was a really disturbing and tense movie for sure.
