This in NOT comedy!!!!

The review in the form page clearly shows how STUPID Americans are! They do NOT really understand the movie at all... Unfortunatelly, this is a GREAT movie! About Nacism about any form of bad ideology...

Delete this message... But I am true, sorry....


Then how come I laughed so much? It certainly fits the description "black comedy".


I didnt laugh, but there is clearly a twisted sense of black humour at play . . .


Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich described Czech people as "laughing monsters." This is why. They simply feel an unsatiable urge to insert dark humor and twisted irony pretty much anywhere, as evidenced by their movies and literature. Whatever happens in the world, no matter how dark and tragic that event is, Czechs immediately come running with jokes.

Back in 1942, Heydrich was executed by Czechoslovak paratrooper commando on his way to Berlin. Needless to say, Czechs laughed a lot that day.


that's a mighty fine quality, if you ask me

It's alright Cissy. I sterilized the scissors.


I agree, this is one of the most horrifying films I've ever seen. It is horrifying as there's a realism to the characters & events depicted, the music, score, acting, dialogue, everything just adds to the intense atmosphere. You almost feel like.... against your will you're dragged down into the pit of horrors w/ this creepy demented character. I can almost see people like this, or people who were like this 70 years ago, the reality of it all terrifies me!

I can't fathom people who find the whole experience funny or comedic at all, this movie is nothing but horror.

I had a weird dream last night...
You had yourself a vision.


From the director,
"I was fascinated by the humour. I went to various projections of the film in many different countries, from the Netherlands to Naples, and I was keen to see how the reactions of the audience were completely different in every country. In Prague, people were depressed; in Slovakia, they laughed; in the Netherlands, it was a comedy from the beginning to the end; in Italy, the spectators went from the cinema right to the bar because cremation is just impossible, awful and unacceptable in their country."


I'm not sure why but this

in Italy, the spectators went from the cinema right to the bar because cremation is just impossible, awful and unacceptable in their country
made me giggle. Cremation to Catholics is anathema so I can just imagine the Italians!
I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


if only The Cremator had been the second film in a double-feature, paired with The Milky Way (a surrealist history of heresy)...

It's alright Cissy. I sterilized the scissors.


Maybe some people confuse the surreal nature of true horror with comedy.
A very intense film and to be experienced by many.

Fear is the mother of morality.




I like how you're DUMB enough to be so short-sighted and use such an "absolute" about the stupidity of Americans. All 300 million are the same? Grow up.


sounds like it's a black comedy film

kinda seems like Man Bites Dog to me....


agree that calling this a 'black comedy' is very misleading.

there is nothing remotely funny about this movie - but I would still highly recommend it.

there's one review who calls this movie 'true horror' and would have to fully agree with that statement. it may take a while for the horror to show its face, but by the end of this movie, I was truly scared - not by blood or gore, but by the main character's warped mental metamorphosis

a brilliant movie - totally unlike anything I've seen before



I laughed a few times, like when the cat was playing with the laces of Mrs. Kopfrkingl as she hung in the bathroom. That was so wrong, but hilarious, in part because it was so wrong.

It's alright Cissy. I sterilized the scissors.


I would like to hear an explanation of how this does not qualify to bear the comedy label.

Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyle


So everyone in your country is a Troll? You are all Troll People? Weird.
